Top 10 Most Important Factors To Make Your Website Enticing

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A website is one of the most important tools for any business because a website is the mirror of any business.  A good website can help visitors to know more about you and your business.  At the same time, you have only 4 seconds to grab the attention of your visitors.  Many studies have made it clear that a visitor on average only took 4 seconds to gauge the value of any website.  If the visitor doesn’t find any valuable information, he leaves your site in no matter.  There are many other reasons that can frustrate the visitor, but in a few clicks, you can improve the overall impression of your website.  So here are the Top 10 Most Important Factors To Make Your Website Enticing.

  1. Navigation:

One of the most important factors that you should pay attention is to easy navigation for your readers or visitors.  It should be very easy for the visitors to find the information needed within a few clicks(3 clicks at the best).

It is also important to know your audience well so that you will know what the visitor might be searching for on the site.

An easy menu can help your reader to easily navigate your site and thus help them to get all the information needed.

2. Visual Design:

Good visual designs play a huge role to attract the visitor to your website.  Today you will find that people are searching more for visual content like YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Add good visuals in your content so that it should be enjoyable to your readers.  One can imagine if you need to read a long article without any visually appealing image on a blog post.

Today there are many ways you can create good quality visuals for your business, Canva is one of the most leading in all of them.  It has a ton of photos, videos, and copy-right free music to create stunning visuals.

If you are more in a video, FlexClip can be the best option for you.  Anyone can create videos without any skill for making videos within few minutes.  FlexClip is a canvas for video making.

Adding short videos to your content can retain your visitor for a longer time, it will also help you to rank better in Google and other search engines.  How much time a visitor spends on your website is an important metric now for Search Engine Optimization(SEO).

3. Content:

Good content is the backbone of any website.  If you provide good and important information that can help your readers, definitely they are going to visit your site often.

Provide a helpful solution for their problems or create how-to posts that can help them to get a clearer view on a particular subject.

If you create more how-to posts it will help to get authority and credibility, as people will visit your blog to get solutions for their problems.  Without good content, it’s impossible to get authority and credibility in your niche.

4. Web Friendly Site:

Apart from writing good content, you should also know how to write web-friendly content which means your content should be SEOed for the search engines.

You should know how to SEO an article that can help you to get more visitors and ultimately a good conversion.  It’s easier than you think, read my Common SEO Mistakes To Avoid In 2021.

Not to forget today most people use their smartphones to search the Internet, so it’s important to have mobile-friendly websites.  It’s always better to use a responsive theme for your website, so it can look great on any device.

There are a ton of responsive themes in the market but Generatepress is one of the most liked themes by the developers because it loads very fast, and thus helps to rank better in search engines.

5. Interaction:

Interaction and conversions are the two important metrics for any website.  If people are interacting with your website through comments, likes, and shares it’s a good metric for search engines.  It shows that your content is useful and people are engaging with you.  A simple way to increase shares is to install a good social share plugin, which will help your visitors to share any specific post on their timeline.

So always ask your readers to leave a comment or share their experience on the topic at the end.  Always try to answer their questions and comments.

Conversion can be of different forms, we all want conversion in the form of a sale.  But even if a visitor clicks on CTA, it can be a  good conversion.  Not all visitors turn into a buyer first time.  So even if they sign in for your email list, it’s a good conversion.  So not information to overlook these kinds of conversions on your site.

6. Information Accessibility:

Make sure you have all the important pages like contact me, about in place.  Readers want to know who’s behind the screen:) and if they don’t find the needed information it can frustrate them.

Also, add your email address or phone number, or any other important information to a prominent place, so that it can be easily accessible to your visitors.

7. Intuitive Interface:

For a good user experience from a visitor’s point of view, it’s necessary to have very intuitive and user-friendly elements on your website.  Make the whole process to navigate your site and getting all information needed very easy and hassle-free.

Scrolling text, too much animation, and flash intros can be very distracting and should be used very carefully.  Your sole intention should be to keep your readers engaging and visiting as many posts as possible. A good Primary menu and Internal linking can play a huge role in easy navigation through your site.

8.  Neat & Complimentary Branding

It’s very important to keep in mind the topic or niche of your website.  Branding your website with suitable colours and fonts is very important.

Colours play a huge role and leave a permanent impression on your website.  A website dealing with environmental issues, suppose to have a very soothing and cool colour combination.  You can’t digest an environment or meditation site with bright red colour, isn’t it?

9.  Act as a Bridge

Your website acts as a bridge between the current client and your potential client.  If your readers, visitors are happy with your services and overall website experience, they tend to suggest you to others.  It also works as a client generator for you 24×7.  If you have any new product or service to offer, make it very visible to your readers.

10.  Trust & Transparency:

Last but not least, trust and transparency should be your ultimate goal if you want to have a good conversion.  Be transparent with your readers and clients, no matter what.

Even if something goes wrong, be honest & transparent with your readers.  People easily catch lies and it can be very harmful to your business.


Today websites can turn into money-making machines for you if you treat your website as an effective tool for growing your business.  In the beginning, it can be overwhelming to learn all the details about how to run a website.  But today, it’s very easy to create and run your own online business if you have a website.

If you want to learn how to build your own website and build an online business, Wealthy Affiliate offers a Starter membership, with zero investment.  You will get a website + hosting + training which includes 120 lessons totally free. Check out here.

If you apply the above top 10 most important factors while designing a website, I am sure you will definitely improve the user experience and conversion for your website.

If you have any questions, suggestions pl let me know in the comments below.

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