One Decision Can Change Your Life, Like Mine!
If you are on this page, chances are you are skeptical about Wealthy Affiliate, It might be too good to be true for you.
There are more than 6 lakhs + Wealthy Affiliate Reviews on Google, most of them are positive, and might be everyone suggesting Wealthy Affiliate as # 1 Recommendation.
So all of these Wealthy Affiliate Reviews are honest? Why so many are people promoting Wealthy Affiliate as #1 recommendation for your online business? and what is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate is an online University teaching A to Z about affiliate marketing. There are many platforms online that teach affiliate marketing or digital marketing but many of them are copying Wealthy Affiliate ditto. One of the examples is Digital Profit Course.
They have copied everything from a landing page to the course structure. Why because WA has created trust among internet users. So Digital Profit is trying to cash on WA’s trust & popularity.
WA has successfully established itself as one of the most innovative and updated online platforms and constantly improves by implementing the latest trends in the WA community.
The latest update is about WA hosting, it is good at the same time bad news. I will discuss it in a few minutes.
So coming back to our discussion, why so many people are promoting Wealthy Affiliate, no doubt WA has a very lucrative affiliate program, but is that the only reason why we promote Wealthy Affiliate? Think about the hundreds of products that offer more than 75% of the commission per product promotion. But you will rarely see any WA member promoting these products. Why they are leaving the money on the table, and what should be the criteria to promote a product as an affiliate?
Want to Know Who Is Behind Wealthy Affiliate Click Here.
It is not About Us but it is all about YOU.

Now you have a bit acquainted with Wealthy Affiliate….
Let Me Introduce to You Myself!
I am Shubhaangi, a Reiki Master Teacher.

For the last many years, I was practicing my career as a Yoga and Reiki Master Teacher, and Animal Reiki Practitioner.
I was quite happy with my practice, but one fine day I stumbled upon a Wealthy Affiliate.
I was very curious and decided to be a member for a month. But as I continued the training I recognized the scope of the Internet and the value provided by Wealthy Affiliate.
Within a few days, I go yearly, as it is more cost-effective than paying monthly.
Wealthy Affiliate has great resources, tools, and training, which can establish anyone as a brand or an authority in any chosen niche. I realized that I can offer my services to a much larger crowd, the Internet has 4 billion users per day.
You just need a hobby or a passion, to start as a blogger. You can share your experience, knowledge, tips, and guidance to your audience in your chosen niche. As you share your content with your readers, slowly you build your authority.
Honestly, when I started in 2016 and chose Reiki as my niche, I was terrified to start a blog choosing Reiki as a niche. Reiki is a competitive niche and has many very well-established sites on Reiki.
If you search the term “Reiki”, it shows 33,000+ searches, 212 QSR, and an SEO matrix of just 65.

But I just decided to share whatever knowledge, and experience I have over the years as a Reiki Teacher, and I started. Now many of my pages ranking on Google some are on Page 1, no.1

When you work consistently on your website, you can see results like this. I had not planned it but one day while doing research for my next article, I came across my site ranking in all the top 5 positions.

I am not telling you this to brag about myself but just to let you know that if I can do it, anyone can! On top of it, I had no knowledge of computers, you can say I was computer illiterate. Still today I am, but the training here at WA is so simple, up-to-date, and easy to follow that anyone can become an expert in any niche.
Latest Success Stories of Wealthy Affiliate – Jerry & Grace, Super Affiliates!!

I quit Traditional Education but that doesn’t mean my education stops. Education is a lifelong process but we need to feed our mind with the right thing and not what the traditional society or our parents, our peers want us to learn.
Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate, I’ve accomplished my 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Milestone and well on my way to Financial Freedom! Jerry Huang
I really admire Jerry, for his sheer hard work and the way he has achieved and surpassed his goals.

Grace – A Stay At Mom – Super Affiliate of WA!

I write this after going through very nerve wrecking things for my online business and the community rushed to my rescue as well as top experts and the owners!
You just cannot find this kind of HELP & SUPPORT with any other training platform, system, or program and I know this because I’ve reviewed hundreds of programs on my website that got me to my Vegas goal and there’s simply nothing else better out there than WA!
YES I’m bias because it’s TRUE, I’m living proof the training works here and anyone who wants to work hard at this on a consistent basis could make this work.
If a stay at home mom can do this, so can YOU!! – Grace
Isn’t it amazing how anyone from any background can find success with Wealthy Affiliate, as long as they’re willing to put in the hard work and dedication?
so now you must be thinking what is a Wealthy Affiliate? Let me explain to you step by step, so you can have an honest overview of it.
What is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate was started back in 2005, by Kyle & Carson, as a mere keyword list membership, offering huge databases of high search keywords for pay-per-click campaigns.
Over the years it becomes a training portal with added features like a forum and some training material, and it was a huge hit.
But it did not stop there, Carson & Kyle had the vision of constantly improving the membership and helping people learn about Internet Marketing.
Wealthy Affiliate is an Online University, to help people succeed online, where you can enroll by just paying $0, yes you are right!
Wealthy Affiliate is totally free to join.
Once you signed in, start creating your profile by inserting your own image. Your Profile is a good way to introduce yourself to the WA community.
By adding your own image you can instantly connect with others, and getting help will be more instantaneous.
Start by clicking the green “Training” button on the left side, by Lesson 4, you are ready to build your own website. Under 30 seconds, you can build your own website for free!
Feeling nice no! but that’s not all !!
you will get easy-to-follow step-by-step training.
Ways How Wealthy Affiliate can help you
- Wealthy Affiliate Focus with all the training is teaching you how to create a successful, long-term business within the online space.
- Wealthy Affiliate promises you a competitive advantage over your fellow webmasters. WA keeps you ahead of the curve in terms of what works today and what will work tomorrow.
- The training within the Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to capitalize on any idea, interest, or passion that you have.
- No experience is necessary, no product required.
- Earn While You Learn. There are different ways you can earn while you learn.
- Everything is live in Wealthy Affiliate. Live Chat, Live WAbinars, Live Interaction, and Live Expert Help are all big components of your educational experience at Wealthy Affiliate.
Available Memberships within Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate offers different subscriptions:
$0 as a Starter Member free to join
$19 for the first month (59% discount if you join premium within 7 days)
$49 per month : premium membership
$99 per month: Premium Plus membership
Price: $495 per year
Discount: $93 off (basically a 2-month discount)
Bonuses: Free .com Domain ($14 value), 100 Community Credits, Bonus Live Class (AMA With Kyle, Succeeding in 2020)
The yearly membership is one of the cheapest memberships in WA, as against monthly membership $49 x 12 = $588.
Not to forget you get other benefits like a free .com domain worth $14, 100 Community Credits worth $50, and Live WAbinars and Bonus Live Class with Kyle included in Yearly membership.
You join WA as a free member and for six months you can remain as a free member. But obviously, Premium membership offers a lot more than free membership. Have a look…
Main Features of Wealthy Affiliate:
- Training
- Tools
- Community
- Support
1.Wealthy Affiliate Training:
Training in Wealthy Affiliate is exceptional, and up to date, still, it’s very simple to follow. Even a newbie can follow the training easily.
“Simplicity to the end-user is the ultimate form of programmatic sophistication.”- is the motto of Wealthy Affiliate.
The training structure is divided into two parts
1. Online Entrepreneur Certification – Getting started – 5 Phases Each having 10 lessons (total 50 lessons)
Free membership includes the access to full phase 1 of Online Entrepreneur Certification Course
2. Affiliate Bootcamp Course – 6 Phases Each having 10 lessons (total 60 lessons)
Free membership includes access to the 1st phase of Affiliate Bootcamp Course.
So, you see as a Free member also, you get access to phase 1 of both, Online Entrepreneur Certification Course and Affiliate Bootcamp Course.
Live Video Classes Every Week
Live Video Classes: Every weekend Live Video class by Jay Neil i.e yearly 52 Live Video Classes for Premium Members Only.
You will find Live WAbinar on every possible topic of Internet Marketing, like Content Creation, Content Marketing, Niche Selection, SEO, Facebook Ads, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and many more.
Want to start your blog, great, but you must research on your niche, what is a niche? and how to select your niche?
Here’s a Live Webinar by Jay on Coming Up With Niche Ideas / Idea Generation
Unlimited Blogs and Training by Wealthy Affiliate members.
I tried to give you the exact figure of available training within WA, but unable to……extremely sorry for that…..just because of every day new training added to WA library. You can just imagine the number of training available with the whopping 5,80,000 + community members, anybody can contribute to WA training. ( As a token of admiration, you get paid for creating a valuable training to Wealthy Affiliate Community !!! )
Classroom Training
Classroom Training provides you a full view of the available Tutorials, Videos, Courses, Questions asked and Comments received on a particular topic such Get Started training, WA affiliate Programme, Keyword, Niche and Market Research and so on. Wealthy Affiliate is really of great help when you want to do a study on a particular topic. Just amazing !!
There are a total of 13 Classroom training available. In the below screenshot, You will see the “Getting Started” Classroom, in which there are 12 video lessons, 8 tutorials, and 4 courses. Also, you can see there is great communication in the form of Q&A, 33,668 and 1.47m comments.
Read More: What’s so Special about Wealthy Affiliate Training

Getting Started is a Free to join, so if you want to have a look click the link below.
Tools at Wealthy Affiliate:
“Wealthy Affiliate takes pride and joy in providing each and every tool needed to build a successful online business”.
All the tools and resources needed to build a successful online business is readily available within Wealthy Affiliate Online University.
Ranging from a free website builder, Jaaxy – free keyword research tool, website analysis, 24×7 website security, free world-class website hosting, everything is included in Wealthy Affiliate Membership.
Why Every successful online business Needs a strong foundation i.e. Website
Wealthy Affiliate has its own domain platform section, which is the heart of the WA Hosting Platform. This is where websites are created, built, developed, set up, maintained.
*Watch this Video by Jay to see how easy it is to build a free website on Site Rubix.
How to Build a Siterubix Site
Build Your Free Website Here.
Every site that is built on SiteRubix comes with a world-class default theme Generatepress. Generatelpress is one of the most trusted themes with more than 2,735,034 installs and 1000+ 5 star reviews. has other sub-categories under it like, Site-Manager, Site- Domains, Site-Feedback, Site-Comment, Site-Email, and Site-Support.
Site Manager is a place where you can manage all your sites and view the site health of your site. Site Health is a tool available where you can easily monitor your site, What your site lacking and where you should need to focus.
Site-domains where you can purchase your domains on WA platform itself. Websites, domains, and the management of your websites are fully integrated within the SiteRubix platform.
The SiteDomains platform at Wealthy Affiliate will instantly allow you to uncover any domain in seconds.

Access and,.net,.org,.info and all of your other favorite top-level domains in an instant.
No upsells while purchasing a domain, if you compare domain purchasing with some others like Godaddy, Namecheap, you will find it’s affordable and convenient to host a website at WA.
Good & Bad About WA Hosting Update
WA has been building one of the most sophisticated hosting platforms in the WordPress industry from a technical standpoint, investing millions into the development of the proprietary hosting framework.
The mission of WA hosting is four-fold: Security, Speed, Reliability & Support
WA constantly updated the platform and technology within.
What is a great hosting experience?
Kyle, the co-owner of WA describes it best,
I think of the way a healthy body operates. If you don’t “feel” any pain, and you don’t realize it’s there, then it is operating 100%. The same with hosting. If you don’t have any speed lag, you don’t have security issues, you have 100% up time, and your support is seamless and actually is working for you (when you don’t even realize you need them), that is an optimal hosting environment.
And not only me but thousands of WA members will agree that it’s very rare that we face any of the hosting issues.
1. Security at WA:
We all know how important is Security when it comes to hosting your site on any platform. Nowadays when there are constant efforts to hack and create havoc on your site resulting in downtime and getting your personal data, security must not be taken lightly.
WA has established an incredible set of security protection technologies and processes to keep websites safe, prevent downtime from erroneous botnet attacks, and protect security and private data.
WA Continues to have harder servers and offers industry standards in terms of hosting security for WordPress websites.
2. Speed at WA:
We all know the importance of loading websites at blazing speed. Site speed is the core factor in SEO and ranking your site on search engines like Google. Google made it very clear that site speed is one of the metrics, for ranking websites.
Out of the box, ALL websites hosted at Wealthy Affiliate have the industry-leading speed rating in Google PageSpeed insights.
Have a look at the screenshot of a website built at Wealthy Affiliate, and most of the members see the same result on their site.

On mobile and desktop, it is giving optimal results and 100/100 on all pages. WA is offering the fastest hosting and WordPress installs in the industry.
Site speed is one of the features of WA hosting and it is available to all members – Starter & Premium but Site speed Extreme available to WA Premium members.

Wealthy Affiliate has been recognized by the Canadian Government for Advancements in Scientific Research and Development of WordPress “speed” and “caching” technology. SiteSpeed and SiteSpeed Extreme are functions of this, and WA is handling all website caching and performance improvements on a server level.
Reliability: Mirror Version of Websites
To mitigate any possibilities of website downtime, WA is adding many things to its hosting network that leads to greater reliability.
This includes full redundancy, which means at all times running “mirrored” versions of the websites, so if one server goes down, the other one will go live. This is incredibly expensive to implement and to operate, but this is a service that is included with all websites ( Starter & Premium) hosted here at Wealthy Affiliate.
Redundancy, back-ups, powerful hardware (servers), and real-time network monitoring on all websites are just a few of the ways that WA mitigates any downtime and ensures maximum uptime with all websites!
Support at WA:
Site Support at WA is incredibly fast and the majority of the WA members vouch for it! Any ticket for any issue related to technical things is solved within 5 minutes of time.
Unlike most hosts that have “front line” or intermediary support, WA offers to host clients direct access to the server administrators. These are the server technology experts, and they are the ones that can actually fix issues in less than 5 minutes.
WA is offering sophisticated and latest hosting to all its sites. I didn’t even mention the all-inclusive nature of the hosting, the fact that there are NO upsells, SSL is included, caching is included, email is included, and features like SiteHealth are included.
Upcoming Hosting Changes, March 16th, 2020
WA is moving to updated hosting plans in preparation for some significant launches in May, and the introduction of a standalone Managed WordPress Brand being launched in the Summer 2020.
These are how the hosting updates look:
Starter Membership: 1 Website, Formerly 2 Websites
Premium Membership: 10 Websites Any Type (NEW), Formerly 25 Own Domains / 25 Free Websites
Good & Bad of the Latest WA Hosting Update
How is it going to affect your membership?
These changes are going to take place after 16 March 2020. So if you are already a Premium member you will be grandfathered in the same previous hosting plan. i.e. all premium members will have 25 websites + 25 subdomains, in total 50 websites, all-inclusive in your premium membership.
But if you go Premium after March 16, you will get only 10 websites, instead of 50 websites. So if you are a starter member, go Premium before March 16, to get 50 websites!
Go Premium Get 50 Websites
It’s a brainer, Compare it with some leading leaders of WordPress hosting
WA hosting is a leader in terms of speed, security, reliability, and power in the WordPress industry. Just for some insight, here are the price points of the hosting companies that we view as “similar” in terms of quality in the industry.
Pagely (5 Websites) = $199 per month
WPEngine (10 Websites) = $115 per month
Kinsta (10 Websites) = $200 per month
Wealthy Affiliate (10 Websites) = $49 per month! (included with Premium)
Not to forget the ton of features included, like it is all-inclusive, no upsells, no extra upsells, no costs for additional caching plugins, email, SSL, or any “add on” that other hosting companies are charging.
Did I mention that WA is the fastest in the WordPress industry, and the most cost-efficient (by a mile)!
How A Website Will Help You To Make Money?
Learn why you should have a website.
Have you noticed one thing, all of the platforms are offering websites to their members, Why they are offering websites? Because having a website is an asset in the online world. You can earn a good amount of money and build a brand with the help of a website.
Let me give you quick benefits of having a website:
- Attract new customers & make more money
- Add instant creditability to your business
- Builds your brand
- Establish yourself as an expert in your niche
- Not an Expensive or Techie thing as you might be thinking
A website is an online asset, and allow me to show you how my friends here at Wealthy Affiliate are making money with their site.
Melody aka onlinegeek sold the site for $38,479!
Here is a screenshot of her blog inside WA, how she sold her site. Just selling one website she was able to generate $38,479.

Dylan Sold Sites For $70,000+
Dylan is one of the Super Affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate. Here is the snippet of one of his blogs where he discloses how he was able to sell his site for $30,000.
But have you noticed that he also sold a site for $40,000 in the previous year?
That’s really amazing, isn’t it?

So having your own website is always a profitable business, then why not have your own website? Wealthy Affiliate is offering 2 websites + hosting + training totally free, no credit card required.
Premium Members get 25 websites + 25 subdomains + all the upcoming upgrades.
But this is a limited-time offer, only up to March 16, 2020.
if you sign in after March 16, you will get only 1 website as a Starter member and only 10 websites as a Premium member.
So, to get your websites for free, first, you need to create an account with WA. It’s totally free, no credit card required.
You just need to fill in your details, which are completely secured, and you are good to go.
Are You Ready To Have Your Own Money Making Website? Click The Link Below.
Up to Date and continuous upgrade to many features at no extra cost
One of the USP of Wealthy Affiliate is its continuous evolvement as the best platform for affiliate marketing.
Why WA is the Best Platform to Join as an affiliate?
As an affiliate, you need many tools and resources to expand your network. WA comes with some very advanced features, all for free, included in your Membership.
- 1.Free Websites
- Free Hosting
- Free Keyword Research Tool – Jaaxy
- Free Siterubix Suit – detail information below.
- Free Basic Training – OEC & Bootcamp Training.
So you see, WA is One In All package for affiliates, once you enroll, you need not worry about anything. And the latest addition and one of the most advanced is the addition of the “Affiliate Programs” Tool.
What is the “Affiliate Programs Tool” at Wealthy Affiliate?

Affiliate Programs at Wealthy Affiliate
Affiliate Programs is the latest addition to the WA Platform. Through this tool, you can find out affiliate programs available through different vendors. So it is a huge time saver, as you can see all the affiliate programs on a single platform.
You can search Affiliate programs using different criteria, like country availability, it will allow you to see whether an affiliate program is available in a specific country.
Payout Options – You can see what payout options available at a given affiliate program. It is very handy and helpful, to see if a particular payout option is available with an affiliate program, and if not, you can always sign in for different payout options. Most of the time, they are free to join, so no harm to join them, On the contrary, you come to know many other affiliate programs, which will be useful to you.
You can use the Filter Option to search for different affiliate programs.

You can see in the above screenshot, that at a single dashboard of Affiliate Programs, you can get all the information relating to an affiliate program.
Commission rate in percentage and in dollars.
Auto approval of commissions
You can choose an affiliate program with or without a network fee.
Last but not least, the most important rating of a particular affiliate program can be seen, so it gives a quick overview of an affiliate program.
Let’s do quick research for the category of “Health”.

In a quick glance, you will find all the information like the commission rate, on which network it is available, payout options, and you can also Follow that program to get all the future notifications.
Communication with Merchants
The most important aspect of this Affiliate Programs tool is the ability of affiliates to directly communicate with the merchants.
Also, this tool gives the opportunity to discuss in a very centralized manner, sharing your experience with a particular affiliate program with others can be very helpful to other affiliates.
One has the ability to write a review and share is good or not-so-good experience with a particular affiliate program.
So it’s going to be a very important tool for all the affiliates as well as the merchants, as they will get the direct feedback from the promoters of their product.
Carson, the co-owner of Wealthy Affiliate, announces the Launching of this new platform
Read Here: New Platform Launch: Affiliate Programs
Siterubix Suit
Site-feedback, where you can ask for feedback on your site from other WA members.
Site-Comment, a fabulous platform where you can offer your comment on other’s sites and can earn credits. These credits you can use to request comments from your fellow WA member.
Site comments and site Feedback are the two major upgrades in 2018. WA is known for it’s up to date training as well as an introduction of the latest technology to its members, without charging a single penny extra!
What is Site Comments?
Site Comments is one of the important parts of your blog post. If you notice, whenever you read a blog, at the end of the blog, there is great communication and exchange of opinions and ideas in the comment section.
After Google made Site Comment a ranking factor, it’s importance is undeniable. The content in the site comments now also included as a part of your content or blog post.
Now it has many advantages. Here is one of my training:
Use Site Comments for Networking and Driving Traffic
when one left a comment on your post, your post can be ranked for the keywords within the comments. This has happened numerous times.
The length of your content increases, and as you know the number of words in your blog post is also a ranking factor for Google.
How does it help Wealthy Affiliate Members?
Wealthy Affiliate has introduced the Site Comment and Site Feedback section in 2018.
through the Site Comment platform, every member of WA is eligible to offer comments on the other WA member’s blog post.
WA has 1.5+ members, and even if 1/2 of them offer site comments every day through this platform, you can just imagine how helpful this platform must be.
As all of you may be aware of the fact that comments and engagement on a blog post, is considered as a ranking matrix in Google. That’s right, the more the comment you have on your site, the more the chances of getting ranked higher in SERP.
Also, the comments are regarded as a part of the content in Google Ranking, so having more and more comments is important and that’s why WA has introduced the Site Comment Section, which helps all of the WA members.
Earn by giving Comments
Not only you can give site comments on other fellow WA bloggers, but it’s a great opportunity to earn some extra dollars through this platform.
How amazing is this?
You need to offer 50 comments within a month, to become a Verified commentator, once you become a verified commentator, you receive $1 for four comments offered, which you can encash or can use to buy domains or other services at WA!
Site Feedback
Site Feedback is the feature where you can offer your feedback on a fellow WA member’s website. You can get asked to offer feedback on a particular part, like designing, content, SEO of the website and so on.
Now when you get feedback on your site from a member who has a good knowledge of website building and SEO, you can improve your site’s design and other factors, which otherwise difficult to get.
Earn through Site Feedback
The same is the procedure for offering Feedback and getting rewarded. You get $1 for each feedback you provide. so here is a great opportunity to earn some extra bucks while learning to build your own business.
If you are a premium member, you can have your domain-oriented email, totally free at WA. Email addresses organized by domain. SMTP settings allow for integration with Email, Outlook, iPhone or any other mail client.
Site Support
Site support is just amazing, and any problem gets solved within minutes.
OKK, just check this out… What Alan has to say about site support available at Wealthy Affiliate !!
Site Speed Updates
we all know the importance of site speed when we google a site and if it takes more time to load, we just leave that side and search for another one, right?
Same with other users also, if a website takes more than 4 seconds to load, it loses its audience. But how will you check the speed of your website?
No doubt there are many tools available on the internet, through which you can check the speed of your site. But Wealthy Affiliate offers Site Speed update in 2018.
How does Site Speedwork at Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate offers 25 domains and 25 subdomains to its premium members, which means you can create more than one website at Wealthy Affiliate.
Actually, it offers 2 subdomains to its starter members also.
Now to check the Site Speed of all the websites is made easy with WA. WA has a dedicated section of site speed, where you can check the speed of each of your website., actually you can check the site speed of your each web page.
You can access site speed by Site Manager > your particular website’s dashboard > Details. Here in the screenshot, you can see page speed of each of your pages, the date on which it is published, desktop site speed, mobile site speed, and the most important feature.
By clicking on Google’s icon, you can instantly access Google’s Pagespeed Insights, for each page and rectify issues if any, inside your desktop only. You need not leave your website and search each page for site speed.
I think it’s a hugely time-saving and efficiency booster tool for your website.
Mobile Responsive Design for Wealthy Affiliate
We all know the importance of mobile responsive to any website nowadays. Most of the searches on Google are through mobile devices.
With the latest technology in the mobile industry and smartphones invented, most people access Google through their mobile devices.
Now in this mobile-driven era, if your website is not mobile responsive, you are losing huge traffic to your website. Wealthy Affiliate, the trendsetter in technology, certainly track these changes very early and introduced a mobile version of Wealthy Affiliate.
“The better equipped your website is to handle mobile devices, the better the overall search presence will be. This is why all websites built at Wealthy Affiliate on the WordPress platform come equipped with responsive designs.”- Carson, the co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate
It means every single website which is built on the WA platform, is now mobile responsive and can be effectively accessed through any device, smartphone, desktop, or mobile.
Now this update is important, as it has given your website a better chance to rank on Google, yahoo and bing. With the higher ranking, the traffic also going to be better for your website.
In Wealthy Affiliate Platform
Available Mobile Responsive Areas include:
- Main & Top Menu
- Training Courses & Lessons
- Blogs
- Questions
- Member Profiles
- Activity Dashboard
- Live Events Menu
- Account Settings
- Jaaxy Platform within WA
- Blog Editor
- Comment Areas
Activity Dashboard
As I mentioned earlier, the WA platform is the most updated platform online. I have not seen any platform which always in a quest for research and introducing new updates to its members.
One such update is the activity dashboard. Now to sign in to WA, you just need to fill in your email ad you are registered with a WA account, which gives you your free account with all the tools and training with two websites.
WA has moved away from dark imagery to a more clean and fresh look. Digesting information on the page is always easier when the text is easy-to-read, well-spaced, and well laid out.
that’s what WA teaches through its training to have clean imagery, dark text on a light background.
Live Classes Updated
Every week, WA has live webinars by Jay, which you can watch live as well as every Live event is recorded and you can access it generally within 24 hours.
There is a huge collection of live webinars from the past as well, which every premium member can access at any time within their membership.
The video recordings are available from 2005 onwards, so it’s a great resource to learn every detail of online activities, and particularly search engine optimization.
Now to find this huge data, WA has made the navigation easy by putting directly it on the Dashboard, Now with a click, you can access all the live WAbinars.
On the dashboard, you will see a tab Live Events, by clicking you can watch any of the past webinars.
Introduction of https throughout the WA sites
Google has made it clear that the sites which do not have https, will not be eligible for higher ranks, in short having https is crucial to get better rankings in Google.
It is for the better user experience of the people.
For anyone that may be wondering what SSL is, it stands for Secure Socket Layer and it’s a layer of security that is added to your website which encrypts the communication from a browser to your website.
WA had introduced SSL before, but that was only for your own domains. But now Wa extended SSL certificate to all the websites quilt under the WA platform
Even if you are a starter member, and have a free website, your website is SSL certified, which means better rankings and better traffic.
You do not need to do anything but just turn the tab on to get your https padlock on your site. How is it? You might be aware of the whole process which you have to go through to get an SSL certificate apart from investing huge money sometimes.
Here at WA, you get your SSL certificate for every of your site totally free, you don’t pay anything to get your site green padlock.
Success Stories at Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that creates success on a daily basis. Its members published success stories that range from starting a website, success on different social platforms, PPC campaigns success, youtube, podcast success stories, Amazon niche site success stories to earning 6 figure income from website.
You can have a look at some of these stories
8 Shopify Sales in 2 days! WHOA!
$4.7K Month – SEPT 2018 Monthly Report
You can also read the past 10 years of success stories in this blog post
7 Years of Success Stories 2010 – 2017
Now you have seen the proofs of Wealthy affiliate Members, now you might know the reason why the internet is full of positive reviews of Wealthy Affiliate.
Every day new members from all over the world, join the wealthy affiliate. Now the total number of members of WA is 2.5+ million. You will find some members who are more than 10 years working at a wealthy affiliate. Every year they renew their membership and keep working within WA.
they must be getting the value for their money, otherwise, they will not be continued their membership.
My Success with Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate is a great source of learning and has a plethora of knowledge. So each and every day we learn something new.
1, Learn to build a WordPress website, created two money-making websites – 1. niche website and 2., dedicated to affiliate marketing, that helps me to make money on an almost daily basis.
2. Added Adsense and learned how to monetize your website through different affiliate programs including Amazon.
Learned SEO, and started my own Local SEO Services – Local Seo Tips & Tools.
Learned how to create beautiful images for social media and blogs
Learned Blogging and how to rank your content on search engines.
there are so many things to learn on the WA platform, you always wished if you have more hours in a day. It’s really exceptional of WA platform when every new training is charged by other platforms in the form of updates, WA never charges for all the training available.
On the contrary, it offers credits to its members for creating training for the WA community. If you create a piece of training that will be useful to a community, you get the credit of $5 for every training. As your training goes up in the ranking by more likes and comments, you get additional credits.
Now, how cool is that you not only get all the training within your premium memberships but you also get credited for creating training.
I also learned to create pieces of training and offer my two cents to the community. Check out My Training at WA!
Jaaxy – Free Keyword Tool

We all know the importance of using the right keywords for Google rankings. You don’t have to pay any extra money for accessing keyword tool.
Wealthy Affiliate provides a free keyword tool to all of its members – Jaaxy. Jaaxy does have Lite, Pro and Enterprise versions are available. Jaaxy Lite version is free for premium members.
The purpose is to help you determine the best possible keyword phrases to use in your article.
Almost every online search typically starts with keyword research, and being able to target search terms allows attracting traffic as well.
Jaaxy – Keyword Tool provided here is no less than any other Keyword Tool available online.
Try out for yourself finding the best keywords on Jaaxy!
WA community is just awesome

“Boasting 1.5 million+ members from more than 150 countries, is itself an example of how successfully WA community works.”
The environment is very warm and enthusiastic in WA. Almost every member tries to help one other, and pay it forward is the main highlight of the WA Community.
The members who are most active on the WA platform and helps the community, by guiding and providing training, are awarded Ambassador badge. It is not based on your success but it is more of a pay it forward badge.
If you active within the community, helping and guiding you will be awarded the Ambassador badge.
there are also ranking based top 50, top100 and top 200 rankings, based on your performance within WA community.No doubt it is one of the most helping, encouraging, and warm communities in the online world.
Support at WA is one of its kind!! What kind of support are you expecting when you join any Online program? WA supports overpasses for any of the programs.
WA offers support to its members through live chat. If you have a question or are stuck you can get instant help within the live chat area. Live Chat is available 24×7, so you can get help within minutes.
You can ask questions through the question area, blog post, or if needed, by direct PM to another member. So support is second to none on the WA platform.
An international community with 195 countries, the Wealthy Affiliate community never sleeps. Even if you ask a question at 2.00 am, Someone always presents there to answer your query.
Think of attending a school with many teachers per student, that is the type of service that you can expect at WA.
I have told you about technical support also, but can you just imagine that…… the Owners of WA, Kyle, and Carson, are available most of the time to solve your problems, answer your questions, and can discuss with them on a one-to-one basis …
All the top ambassadors and successful affiliates, are available in live chat, according to their time availability, and try to help out the community. On a daily basis, you can see top earners and successful affiliates giving their advice and suggestions to the community, by which all of the members get benefitted.
This is really unbelievable for me
until I joined WA and asked for any amount of questions for Kyle and get the best possible answers to my questions. Amazing !!!
Success Stories at Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate is an online university mainly targeted at affiliate marketing and you can come across many success stories of Wealthy Affiliate members on a daily basis.

What Is Wealthy Affiliate not?
Wealthy Affiliate is NOT a get-rich scheme, it provides you with detailed training, tools, and skills required to build an Online Business. Now it’s up to you how do you utilize all these resources to benefit you.
Wealthy Affiliate is not for spammers, WA prohibits any type of spam. It is a totally spam-free atmosphere in which the WA community works.
Pros and cons of Wealthy Affiliate
Plethora of knowledge
You will not find a better education in website creation, keyword research, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), writing content, niche ideas, and so much more training and resources anywhere else online or offline for the same cost.
Every possible tool for a successful Online business is available within Wealthy Affiliate.
A very supportive, spam-free community 24/7.
$0 investment as a starter member, full seven days to assess the system. If you decide to go premium within 7 days of a free trial, for the first month you pay only $19, i.e. 59% discount.
Easy to follow lessons with a daily task to complete.
One can get distracted if involve too much in Live Chat, the community is so live that if you do not concentrate on your work, you will lose focus.
Sometimes your question might not be seen, but you can always ask again in a minute or two, someone most likely will answer.
WA has introduced a new payment method which is of great value if you are still hesitant to join and if WA works for you or not!
$0 as a Starter Member free to join
$19 for the first month (59% discount if you join premium within 7 days)
$49 per month /as a premium member
$359 yearly membership ( most convenient and economical, as you save $229) as against monthly membership $49 x 12 = $588
Premium Plus+ Yearly Membership = $499/year
Biggest Update From Wealthy Affiliate

BANGLADESH, EGYPT, INDIA, NIGERIA, PAKISTAN, PHILIPPINES, VIETNAM are some countries that were not allowed to join as a Starter member.
But now they CAN join Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member.
Only except Nigeria, all countries of the World can benefit from the Starter Membership of Wealthy Affiliate. Nigeria can join Wealthy Affiliate, though as a Premium Member.
Don’t miss this opportunity to build your Own Online Business!!
Final verdict
Wealthy Affiliate is a ZERO RISK opportunity for anybody who wants to build an online business, as it is completely free to join, no credit card required.
My honest verdict about the Wealthy Affiliate Platform is you must not miss this opportunity if you want to build your online business.
I can guarantee you that there is no platform close to Wealthy Affiliate, which offers all the necessary tools to establish yourself as a brand for your niche.
Honesty and Integrity, are the basic principles of Wealthy Affiliate, and it’s seen in all the top-ranked members of WA. It shows in all the training in WA, as it never teaches you the wrong way of doing things.
WA never teaches you the blackhat in SEO, and for that reason, some other platforms criticize WA, how strange it?

It is an Online University that aims more of a service and far less of a product. It never does fabricated claims of making rich you overnight. Wealthy Affiliate is more work like a university, which provides you each and everything, from tools to training to create an online business. It is really up to a person to use all these tools to make his goals achieved. WA helps you at every step towards achieving your goals.
Wealthy Affiliate has all the tools, training, and great support to establish your online business.
No price hike in the last 12 years
Now, this is some unbelievable thing about Wealthy Affiliate. Since its inception in 2005, the price of WA membership remains the same. I don’t think there is a single online or offline platform that provides so much training, tools have not increased their price for 15 years.
Not only it has not increased its price, but surprisingly all the updates mentioned above, are available le to members for free, Though WA is spending thousands of dollars for the development of the platform and new improvisations, it never charges anything from its members.
All the benefits from SSL certificate to site comment, site feedback, site speed are all free to its members. I think it’s commendable not to charge anything from the community when WA is investing a huge amount of money for the platform development.
When we see every platform trying to upsell their product on every level, WA has no upsells,. You just once upgrade your membership from starter to Premium, and for life, you will get your membership for the same price.
Dedication, persistence, hard work and never-die attitude helps you to achieve your goals.
So join today, start your seven-day free trial!
And if you are thinking of joining a WEALTHY AFFILIATE, I will give you A special BONUS from my side totally FREE !!
Once you enroll for free starter membership, I will personally guide you through the process and how to move forward step by step guidance.
In addition, if you become a premium within your initial seven-day free trial, you will get a huge 59% discount (i.e. You have to pay only $19 instead monthly $49 !!)
Additional Bonus:
We as a blogger all know the importance of search engine optimization for our blog post and ranking higher in Google. WA has some great training on how to rank your content on Google.
If you join now you will get free – the premium webinars by Jay on Search Engine Optimization – totally free
1. 21-minute ranking method in 7 steps.
2. Step by step promoting with Youtube
3. 10 steps required for top Google ranking
All these 3 Webinars will definitely help you to rank your content higher on Google.
So create your free account now and avail all these bonuses.
Hey Friends, what do you think about Wealthy Affiliate, I find it very obvious, that there are so many positive reviews of Wealthy Affiliate. When most of the WA members are satisfied with the WA services, why one will write any negative review.
If you search on BBB, you will not find more than 8 complaints about WA. Now the platform which is serving more than 12 years, I think it is commendable to not have complaints against them.
It’s just because WA is consistently starving for the improvement of the community and its services that it is the most trusted online platform.
We all work on different platforms, and due respect to all, I just wanted to know that if there is any platform that has all these facilities to its members. I will appreciate if you let me know about your blogging platforms.
Feel free to ask any question and I will be glad to answer your queries, but for me, Wealthy Affiliate is my family. I rarely say such emotional things that too on a public platform, but I have to say this.
There is no platform like WEalthy Affiliate and once you join it I assure you that you will never regret it.
If you still have any queries and doubts, pl let me know in the comments below, I will be more than happy to answer your queries !!
I also lost about $75,000 to an IQ option broker and 2 fake binary option website as well.
Thanks for sharing your experience Wesley, Wealthy Affiliate is one of the online platforms that you can trust and build your online business.
Black Friday is the best time to join WA, and you will have a fullfledged business. Have a look at Black Friday Deal 2020
Hi Shubanghi, thank you for such a wonderful post on WA. I can certainly attest to the fact that WA is a real thing. People are making money on it and more importantly the same people are still on the platform sharing their knowledge and helping other new members learn the ropes of doing business on the internet. Instead of many sites promising that you don’t need to do anything to earn 4, 5 or 6 figure incomes, WA tells you that hard work pays off. I would add “luck” as well but as many people say, the hard workers also seem to be luckier because hard workers are out there more often and therefore luck finds them easier. In any case, thanks again for such a wonderful post. All the best!
WA’s training is legit, but it requires a lot of hard and consistent work. Not to mention a lot of patience too especially after you’ve spent months blogging with no income. I guess it also depends on what kind of niche you’re involved with. I am in the make-money-online niche and I must say, the keywords competition is really brutal. You always need to be on top of the game and trends. I have not yet make enough to quit my job, but someday, I know I will. There’s no turning back.
Thanks Cathy,
WA has evolved over years and now it has many opportunities to make money within WA. As you might know, WA has different programs like training for WA Community, giving comments, giving feedback on other websites and so on. If you want to know all the Earn While You Learn Opportunities, Click Here.
Hi, Thank you so very much for this Wonderful review on Wealthy Affiliate. Your being a member since 2006 and the confidence you have on this Platform is overwhelming. your review on wealthy Affiliate makes it more reliable and dependable more than any other Affiliate marketng Network. I also found out that though your chosen Niche may have so many competitors no Worrys; Wealthy Affiliate is always there to help you out.
Hey Joy,
Thanks for your kind words, and there is every reason to confide in Wealthy Affiliate. I feel blessed to found WA:) Honestly, I never cared about competition. I always believe in working sincerely according to my abilities.
This looks like what I have been searching for! I have been trying to build an online business and make some money from it for many years. I even signed up to some program but ended losing more than £4000. Wealthy Affiliate sounds great! Looks like anyone can understand the training. Those success stories are awesome. I really like the idea of 7 days free. I’m definitely giving this one a try.
I am so glad Juliet that you decided to join WA, and rest assured you will never regret:)
Sorry to hear that you lost £4000 to scam sites, but you have everything needed to build a successful online business. Make most of it in these 7 days and I am sure you could not resist yourself from joining Premium:))
Wow, you create a such extensive review on Wealthy Affiliate. It is very impressive. I agree with you that one decision can change your life.
I particularly like your description on latest success stories of Wealthy Affiliate. Jerry Huang made $100 K a week. This is truly inspirational. He is so smart. He quit his traditional education, instead pursue hie entrepreneur spirit. In about one year, he was on his way to financial freedom.
I firmly believe that Wealthy Affiliate is the place to realize your dream.
Absolutely, Jerry & Grace, any many other Super Affiliates has become a role model for all of us:) Anthony I am so glad that I found WA and it’s available for free to anyone who wants to join in with all the training, tools and websites.
Hi there, Great Info really enjoyed your article you have given a great breakdown of very important facts regarding wealthy affiliate and how they help thousands of people reach their goals everyday. I am one of them, Wealthy affiliate has changed my life forever, When starting I knew nothing and started with the Free membership quickly realizing that I wanted to upgrade as so many great reasons to. Im now well on my way to my 6th website and am still learning and taking new live lessons all the time they are so beneficial. The best and most important part of all wealthy affiliate for me is the amazing you support you receive from all the successful amazing people in the community!!! WA ROCKS…..
Thanks Krissie for your kind words:) 6th website? how do you manage all these websites? I am happy that you like WA. Live WAbinars is one of the USP of WA. Jay is offering so much value to this community and that too by not taking a single dime, it’s unreal.
WA Community is one of its kind, 2 million people, sometimes even Kyle, Jay, and many super affiliates helping newbies, you rarely find this kind of support.
Hi there, Really enjoyed your article you have given a through article breaking down all the most important factors of why and how wealthy affiliate can help you excel;!! It is truly a great platform that really changed my life forever that is forsake.
Thanks K,
You are right WA is an amazing platform that can change your life for better:)
Hey there. The article was super informative and had everything it needed to demonstrate what WA is all about. Each section of the article was thorough in explaining what was what and how things go in WA. The article was great, but maybe felt like it was a little too long, but it was enough to inform anyone on the topic that you wrote about. Keep up the great work!
LOL, right it’s a bit long, but WA rolls in with new innovations now & then and we have to update the WA review, but really happy to be a part of a happening and most innovative community online.
Hi Shubhaangi, excellent post here. Wealthy Affiliate is a tried and true platform with a great online community, one of the best out there at what it does. I’m glad that you were able to turn your passion into something tangible with an online business. Reiki is an excellent niche and many people will find great value in your words of wisdom. Best luck in your online endeavors. Readers would do well to check out your link to see what Wealthy Affiliate is all about!
Hey there,
Thanks for your kind words, and yes when I started, I decided to build my niche site about Reiki but now promoting affiliate marketing as well.
Reiki guides you in the right direction.
Hi There,
I love your website and it reads really well and to see that you have reached number 1 ranking on Google is outstanding. I love the way that you capture your audience and write for the customer, that’s me. The authoritative flavour of your website is second to none. I hope your business earns you a great living and good luck with your future projects. I guess you have noticed I’m a massive fan of wealthy affiliate.
In Friendship
Thanks for your kind words, Stephan, So am I fond of WA:)
Thank you Schubhangi for the amazing review and update on Wealthy Affiliate. Your article is very clear and elaborate. Wealthy Affiliate is no doubt the most trusted and well structured Affiliate University online. The fact that you could be earning money why learning makes it more superior to every other Affiliate University Online. I am already a member of the community but I will have this page bookmarked for its simplicity in explanation.
Thanks for your kind words. No doubt Earn while you Learn, is a unique feature of WA that you will find rarely on any other platform:)
I have always said that the hosting platform within Wealthy Affiliate pays ten times over for itself when you consider the sheer volume of training. You absolutely nailed it on the head with the hosting comparison costs. Then you factor in the affiliate program and the generous payout for referrals and it equals the reason why some people have been members for over ten years. Anybody on this site looking for a great platform should click the links available and get started today, it costs you nothing try it out! Great Info and fabulous review!
Thanks for your kind words, Robert. The training available on WA is something extraordinary, and as you said the sheer volume of the training is unheard of. And you get all these in less than a dollar, that’s an added bonus for WA premium members.
WA offers so much value and the healthy atmosphere of WA, no surprise that many are members for 10+ years.
Like you, I quickly realized what a great platform Wealthy Affiliate is after I signed up. During my first week, I loved the training, how it was done, presented, and I especially enjoyed the tasks that were given after every training course. So, in fact you are working on your website as you learn. I like how everything has been set up, and the founders, Kyle and Carson, know what they are doing, they have created a wonderful product.
Security and site speed are indeed excellent at WA. They do provide an amazing hosting service. Your article really gives a very detailed and thorough review of everything Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. I think that this is the most comprehensive review of WA I have read so far. You show all the benefits of this unique platform, everything it includes, and I can only say that anyone who is serious about starting an online business, wants to put the work in, and needs a trustworthy hosting and training platform, then Wealthy Affiliate is the answer. I recommend it wholeheartedly.
Site speed, Site Builder, Site Comments & all the Site Suite at WA is commendable, not a single complaint from my site. Absolutely Amazing.
For me, WA is a short form for Wonderfully Amazing:)
Thanks for your kind words, Christine:)
This is an incredibly thorough article about Wealthy Affiliate. I am a WA program participate and I learned some things through your site. I was particularly interested in your promotion of Jaxxy as well as site security and speed. The success links that were on in the article were great and caught my attention. I hope that anyone who is thinking about WA reads your article and understands the impact it can have on life from the free trail you describe through the annual subscription which you indicate is the best deal. All the best with this article. Its great.
Thanks for your kind words and I think Jaaxy is one of the accurate keyword research tools available online. It does so many jobs apart from just finding keywords.
I really do not understand the tech things, but in four years, I have never faced any security issues, and that’s awesome.
I must admit, I started Wealthy Affiliate a couple months before Jerry, and although I am not making as much as that hard worker, I am certainly working from home full time as a result of the Wealthy Affiliate training.
I hope to also make 100k in a week when I launch my product in a couple more months. Thanks a lot for the review.
Hey Brandon, all the best for your new product launch and I know you will definitely make 100k+ through this product. I wish you all the success and thanks for your kind words:)
You started by saying that there are so many reviews about Wealthy Affiliate and if they are all genuine or not. I’ve been in Wealthy Affiliate for two years now and I would strongly recommend it to anyone out there who is willing to make a living online.
To me, it doesn’t matter whether the reviews are legit or not but what matters is that I’ve personally benefited a lot from WA.
Your review shows it clearly that the benefits in WA are so many in fact the cost of going premium is too small compared to what you get in return.
I like your detailed article and especially when you talk as a Yoga Master and the success you have personally achieved via your niche website. Well done and continue with the good work.
Hey there,
I always come across the people who denies the authenticity of revies, and they thought all the reviews are fabricated.
so I put the heading as are all of them honest?
Hi Shubhangi,
Awesome review, I really enjoyed the reading!
I saw your article online and I wanted to share my experience with WA. I am a Premium member of WA for 4 years now and I am more than pleased! The community is fantastic, everyone is willing to help as soon as you ask a question. Kyle and Carson always improve the platform so the members can earn more money. The support responds in one minute too and Jay’s videos are so helpful. I would highly recommend WA to anyone who wants to build a successful business online!
Thank you for this excellent post!
Thanks Daniella,
You are absolutely right, Wa is the platform for everyone who wants to built online business. Every piece of training is valuable, but Live Webinars by Jay, is a great resource for latest happenings and trends in the online world.
Hey i really enjoyed this article, it was very informative. You explained everything about Wealthy Affiliate in detail and you show how amazing it is ! After reading your article i just remembered that i have to update my own WA review since there has been updates, you had good use of pictures and that video. Keep up the good work and keep going for it!
Thanks Justin,
Wealthy Affiliate offers the up to date and latest developments in the online world to all its members, for free of cost. Where other online platforms demand thousand of dollars for the latest updates, it is really commendable, that WA offers every single tool, within its premium membership. No Upsells, is another great feature of WA
Read Here : What’s so Important about Wealthy Affiliate Training?
And you rightly said, with all these updates, WA members need to update their review constantly. Its a great sign that WA platform is ever evolving.
Namaste, from one Reiki Teacher and from one Wealthy Affiliate member to another one.
Reading your article also brought me back to my time when I became a Wealthy Affiliate member and I also felt the excitement what I can learn and what kind of possibilities are out there for me and my interests.
Like you I didn’t know much about computers, creating a website etc. Yes, I did know how to navigate through my computer but that was it.
Wealthy Affiliate is a vast platform and it has so many tools available that it is almost mind blowing to perceive everything, certainly not at once. However, that been said each WA member certainly has to do its part to become successful in their chosen niche but than again, it is not just possible it is achievable.
Your article describes everything Wealthy Affiliate has to offer and another thing also is important, the Wealthy Affiliate community. How many times I have found help when I was stuck with something.
This review is one of the best thanks for sharing it!
Hey Sylvia, thanks for stopping by.
And what a great pleasure to meet another Reiki practitioner. So glad that you like my WA review, I will not call it a review in general sense. It’s my experience with WA community and honestly, a bit biased about WA 🙂
You are right, WA offers so many tools to its members, that you need to constantly update your review.
Congrats on the #1 spot in Google for Reiki, Shubhaangi! That truly is an awesome achievement.
I love it when different members of Wealthy Affiliate write reviews. I always check them out because they always mention something I’ve yet to discover within member’s area (I’ll be sure to check out Jay’s webinars that you mentioned … to date, I’ve only made it to his live sessions).
But just because I’m not aware of all the things that Wealthy Affiliate offers does not mean that I’m hindering my growth. This is a platform power-packed with quality tools, training and real human interactions, as illustrated by your post. Just concentrating on one little area will assure your success online. My current strategy within WA: tackle one area. Become established in that. Then tackle another. Then another. Before you know it, you’ve become a savvy affiliate and created multiple streams of income!
Thank you for updating me, Shubhaangi.
Hey Cath,
Don’t worry if you have not discovered any of the tools and resources available at WA. WA training is so vast and it offers so much detailed training, it’s really not possible to any one to finish all the training available on WA platform. I honestly doubt, if there is a single member of WA, who literally completed all the trainings available. On a daily basis, new training get published.
Read More on WA training.
Nice to meet another member of WA 🙂 I will have been a member for 2 years this upcoming January and have built 2 website businesses since joining. WA is for business but there is lots of socializing going on too. It’s a great place to meet new friends, like Facebook, except drama is discouraged here LOL! I have built 2 other websites before this but they were not on WordPress website builders, one through Weebly and the other with Intuit (Homestead). I was too scared to try with WordPress before, but WA makes it possible and so much easier! You can choose a very simple and plain theme or more complicated ones like I did. There is one particular member in WA who uses the same complicated themes that I chose and she is always available to help me with problems that come up. I have often heard of Reiki, what is it exactly? Do you have a website all about Reiki too?
Yes Madeleine,
I have a website, dedicated to Reiki. Pl let me know your findings about it.
Great post! I love your honesty about the topic and story. I just started with wealthy affiliate and it has been all that you and many others have promised it would be. I don’t want this comment to become another glowing review of wealthy affiliate but it’s hard not to given the level of services and community they provide. Of course, it all takes work but to me, that is one of the benefits of this program over the other affiliate marketing schemes out there…. it’s not an affiliate scheme, it’s a resource that allows you to build any type of business you want.
Exactly Josh,
Wealthy Affiliate is not any affiliate scheme, but it’s a great platform which allows you to build any type pf business you want.
I’m really glad I came across your article as I’ve encountered numerous blog reviews on the Wealthy Affiliate over the last month or so…but I was still unsure about whether or not to sign up!
Do you feel their manner of teaching is suited to someone who knows very little about this subject? How do they treat newbies like myself and is there plenty of help on hand?
Hey Chris,
When I joined Wealthy Affiliate, I was working as a Yoga teacher and never thought that one day I will join affiliate marketing. I had same doubts as you, as I had not had any knowledge about affiliate marketing, never dreamt of it also.
But the WA training is so easy to understand and up to date, that eaany one can easily understand and follow it.
WA community is just awesome and you are welcomed in the society very warmly, you never feel like you are a newcomer and you get full support from the community.
Even if you stuck somewhere, you have the live chat available for 24 x 7, and all your queries solved within minutes.
You can get help though writing a blog post, if you have a specific question, so thereby you put forward your question before the entire community. Again you start receiving answers and recommendations within minutes.
If you go premium, you have the Private Messaging available to you, so that you can personally contact any one within the WA community, and the WA community is 1.5 + million members, so support is awesome at this WA platform.
So without any doubt, join WA, and it’s totally free, so you have nothing to lose.