3 Step Method Review – $10k Per Month, Legit or Scam?

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Welcome to My Review of 3 Step Method!

Do you want to earn money from 3 Step Method? or do you searching if 3 Step Method is a scam or a legit opportunity to earn money?

First of all, I want to congratulate you for doing your own due diligence and for sure, is the Best Way To Avoid Scams Online and save your hard-earned money.

Let me help you to find out the truth about 3 Step Method and guide you in the right direction to make money online.

Also, let me be completely transparent with you, I am not associate with 3 Step Method in any form.  So rest assured I’m not here to pitch or sell anything to you!

3 Step Method Review

Company Name: 3 Step Method

Website URL: 3 Step Method.com

Owner: Unknown

Price: $37 + Upsells

Recommended: No

What Is 3 Step Method All About?


3 Step Method is a “digital assets” which helps you to make $10k per month online.  In short, it is a digital product which helps you to create your own website which makes you thousands of dollars daily.  It is a done for you system, where you need to do only 20 minutes of work.

3 Step Method works like a machine to create money for you, according to the website.

Create an automatic income stream that pays you every week like clockwise.

No experience or special skills required – all you need is Internet access.

3 Step Method has limited spaces.

It is created by a team of Internet Entrepreneurs with a track record. according to the 3 Step Method, it has been used by thousands of members worldwide to create automatic online income streams.

3 Step Method has created to empower the members to achieve financial freedom and build the life they desire

How3 Step Method  Really Works?

3 Step Method is a product which can help you to create your own “digital asset” aka website, which will eventually make you thousands of dollars through affiliate marketing.

3 Step Method basically is a Clickbank product, and when you land on the website, you will be asked to fill in your name and email before letting you know what the product is all about.

It is a marketing gimmick, to grab your email so that they can continue to send such offers on a regular basis.

On the next page, you will see an introductory video, even if you watch the video till the end you will not come to know what the product is.

It is not clear whether the spokesperson is the owner of the 3 Step Method or a staff member.  In the videos, he even not bothered to introduce himself.

After researching a bit, I found that he is a Fiverr actor, and nothing to do with 3 Step Method.

3 step method review-fiver actor

In short, after watching the entire video, you will not find any information about this “digital asset” and how it going to earn you $10k per month.

And still, 3 Step Method, wants you to pay $37 and buy this unknown product lol.  And even if you pay $37, on the next page immediately you will get another upsell of $100.

Interestingly the spokesperson says, that you do not need to do any work on your part, all the work is done by a team of 3 Step Method.

In reality, there is no such thing as done for you system where you need to work only for 20 minutes.  Is it really possible to work only for 20 minutes a week and earn $10k per month?

Even if you try to complete a survey which earns you not more than $1, take more than 20 minutes.  The major problem with 3 Step Method, is that you do not learn how to build a website, how affiliate marketing works and you gain no real knowledge of how to build your online business.

I’ve spent some time digging through all the layers to get into the heart of the system and discover if it’s just another scam or there is a possibility that this system works, but I found many Red Flags of 3 Step Method

Let’s Discuss Red Flags of 3 Step Method

Unknown Owner

As I mentioned above, the owner of 3 Step Method is hidden and never shows up in the video also.  In most of the low quality and shady products, the owner of the products never discloses their identity, as they know the product is low quality and do not want to face the consequences.

When most of the products take pride in introducing their product to the world, it’s surprising that the product which claims to earn $10k in a month, do not want to face the world.

Over-Hyped Earnings

There is nothing wrong if someone wants to promote a product which teaches people how to create a website and promote affiliate marketing through it.  but the problem of3 Step Method is that it promotes affiliate marketing as a get rich quick scheme and easy and done for you system.

In reality affiliate marketing is a legit way to earn money online, but it takes time to set up your business and earn $10 k per month.  It is not possible to earn $2000 the day you join the program as it claimed by 3 Step Method.

How can you earn $2000 the day you join any program, especially if it is affiliate marketing.  First of all, you need to apply for a different affiliate program, which takes time to review and accept you as an affiliate.  After that, you start promoting different products through your website or social media, so it may take a few weeks to months to make a sale.  So it is overhyped claims by 3 Step Method, to say that you will earn $2000 day you join the program or $10k per month.


It is surprising that you will not find any testimonial of 3 Step Method on its website.  Since the program is online for a few months now, one can expect to have some testimonials about the program.  does it mean that the 3 Step Method is not able to produce the results which it claims – $2000 per day and $10k per month?

Good testimonials are important for any product, but unfortunately, if you search the Internet you will find all the negative reviews about 3 Step Method, which is very obvious because the product do not provide any value to its buyers.


3 Step Method has provided some basic training on affiliate marketing but unless you have a thorough training and tools to support it, how can you build a website and promote products through it?

Also, Internet marketing is ever-changing and needs constant upgradation in its training and tools.  there are very few online platforms which provide high-quality training and tools, I highly recommend to check out Wealthy Affiliate Training, which is free.


3 Step Method costs $37 upfront but it comes with many upsells,  once you are enrolled in, you will be bombarded with upsells.

Some of the upsells are very expensive,  3 Step Method offers to its affiliate members $252 per sale, which means 3 Step Method, costs upto $300.

No Privacy Policy

3 Step Method has no privacy policy on its website, and this can be a major red flag.  Every legal website it is mandatory to have legal documents like Privacy Policy.

It is risky to submit your personal information on such websites.  Your personal data can be sold to the third party, which then spam you with such other scam products and services.

I have reviewed some shady products before:

Affiliate Advisor Group

Jeffery’s Fast Lane Review Network of Scam Sites?

Is Easy1Up A Scam?

How Much 3 Step Method Really Costs?

3 Step Method costs you $37 upfront and including all the upsells, it costs you around $300.  And after paying hundreds of dollars, you will not able to build your own online business or a “digital asset” as claimed by 3 Step Method.

So it will be a total waste of your time, money and energy.

Pros & Cons:


  • Affiliate Marketing is a legit module
  • It’s a Click bank Product, so you get a 60-day money-back guarantee.


  • Presented affiliate marketing as a get rich scheme
  • Over-hyped income claims
  • Made up false testimonials
  • No Privacy Policy
  • Pricey Upsells

Is 3 Step Method A Scam?

3 Step Method is not a Scam in a technical term, as it comes with 60-day money-back guarantee, and offers basic training on affiliate marketing.

But 3 Step Method fails to fulfill its claims of earning $10k per month and $2000 per day.  We do not find any testimonial on the official website, also no testimonials on the Internet.  On the contrary, we find many negative reviews about 3 Step Method.

It wrongly projects affiliate marketing as get rich scheme and in a form of done for you formula which is not at all a fact in an online world.  ther is no such thing as done for your websites, which earn you $10k per month without doing no work.

3 Step Method do not explain till the end what the product is all about nor does it make it clear that it has so many upsells, which costs almost $300 to the buyer.  A buyer may get the impression that he is buying a whole system for $37.  3 Step Method is not transparent in many ways.

The spokesperson in the video is a Fiverr actor, and if he is representative of 3 Step Method he does not make it clear what is the product is all about.

3 Step Method Review is a product about affiliate marketing but the training provided is very basic and is not useful to build a sustainable online business.  Affiliate Marketing needs a thorough training and dedication and 3 Step Method does not provide any tools which can help its members to build a proper website.

3 Step Method does not give training or any mention about the domain, keyword research, SEO which are the fundamental of any online business, including building websites.

Without this training, one cannot imagine having a substantial business on the Internet and earning a livelihood from it.  3 Step Method said that it has its own team which works on all aspects of the business, but then how come it does not provide any proof of any website which is running successfully and earning $10k per month?

I think the 3 Step Method is a total waste of money and time, and I would not recommend it to anyone.  What is the use of joining a product, which does not build a business for you as promised, not give you enough training, so that you would be able to build your business?

Rather than wasting your time on another system that does not deliver, why not take a look at My # 1 Recommendation below.


It is the platform where I am working for the last few years and learned about online marketing.  But if you want to earn legitimate money, you need to commit to this program.

Legitimate Opportunities Requires Legitimate Effort

Making Money Online is much like any other business, which requires hard work, Patience, and Persistence.

The people who fail online is because of their wrong mindset.  People who do not want to work hard, or they want to put in little or no effort to get the results.

The business module which I highly recommend is not a get rich scheme.  You need to work hard and work hard consistently.  This is the method which has succeeded in the past and will be successful in the future years also.  It is a time-proven method.


Why I am so sure about this program?

I like to recommend my readers those programs/ products which will add value to their life, and I am sure you will thank me for introducing this program to you!

It is Free to Join

The most important thing that it is free to join, you do not need to pay a single dime while joining.  And I would also like you to go through the Starter Membership, see whether this program is for you.  Take full advantage of Starter Membership and if it suits you, Go Premium!

The Support is amazing

When you are building an online business, sometimes it becomes lonely.  You need encouragement and support from others.  this platform has an inbuilt support system in the form of an amazing community of more than 1.5+ members.  Live chat, PM, Blog are some of the ways to communicate and get support from the community.

Beginner Friendly

When I joined this platform I was totally unaware of the technical stuff and had very little to no experience working online.  But the platform is for anyone who wants to build an online business.

One-Stop Destination for becoming Successful Online

Most of the tools and training which one need to be successful is available on the platform, so you do not need to go elsewhere for any further additional services.  You can easily Build and prosper your online business Under ONe Roof.


The platform teaches you the most popular earning method of online marketing i.e. affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is a very legit and sure way of earning money online, but the success depends on you.  The success is proportionately related to the hard work you put in your work.

Lastly, I have personally been with the platform

I personally working on this platform for the last few years, and am really lucky to find this platform.  It is one of the most advanced platforms online and most importantly, the environment within the community is very helping, caring and encouraging!

Since it is free to join, I highly recommend you to check out this program.

create-your-free-account button

I hope the Review of 3 Step Method has helped you to make an informed decision.

Don’t hesitate to share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP! ?

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best 🙂


3 Step Method

$37+ Upsells



Value for Money






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