An Easy Cash Club Review- Legit or Scam?

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Welcome to My Review of An Easy Cash Club!

There is no doubt that YouTube has great earning potential,  Do you want to earn money from automated Youtube videos? or are you searching if Easy Cash Club is a scam or a legit opportunity to earn money?

First of all, I want to congratulate you for doing your own due diligence and for sure, is the Best Way To Avoid Scams Online and save your hard-earned money.

Let me help you to find out the truth about Easy Cash Club and guide you in the right direction to make money online.

Also, let me be completely transparent with you, I am not associate with Easy Cash Club in any form.  So rest assured I’m not here to pitch or sell anything to you!

Easy Cash Club Review Summary

Company Name: Easy Cash Club

Website URL:

Owner: Steve Johnson

Launched in: April 2019

Price: $37 + Upsells

Recommended: NO

What Is Easy Cash Club All About?

Easy Cash Club is a product by Steve Johnson, where he claimed that he has secret money making software, from which you can earn $379 per day with no work!

He also says that it is the quickest and fastest way to earn money online.  It seems like the software is especially focused on newbies.

How Easy Cash Club Really Works?

The owner of the Easy Cash Club claimed that he has found some secret money making software, but in reality, there is no secret as such. The secret money making software is nothing but a YouTube channel, which has developed over the years, as a money making website.  Thousands of people have earned, a significant amount of money from Youtube!

According to Steve, his software is able to make YouTube Videos on an automated pilot way, by which anyone can make basic videos for YouTube and earn huge profits by placing Goole Adsense and have given other monetizing tips.

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google, and being a visual medium is very popular among people.  No doubt there is a huge opportunity to earn money from Youtube.

Easy Cash Money is trying to make most of it, by offering this software.  But it is important to provide some value to your viewers, by authentic content in it.

For sure, you can make automated videos but you need to offer a variety of videos to your viewers, by interacting with your viewers.  It’s really difficult to imagine a Youtube channel, with all automated videos.

After reviewing Easy Cash Club, I found some critical Red Flags which you should be aware of!

Red Flags of Easy Cash Club!

  1. False and misleading campaigns by Easy Cash Club

If you watch the sales video of easy cash club, it will talk only wh but one wants to hear!  Easy Cash Club.  The entire sales video claims to earn thousands of dollars not mention once, what the program is all about and how you are going to earn thousands of dollars!

2. Who is the owner?

Steve Johnson is the spokesperson of the Easy Cash Club, but it is not clear who is the owner of this program.  It’s a big drawback of the program, that it is hiding who is the owner of this program.

Also, you will not find a single clue, about the owner of the Easy Cash Club, nor do you find any social media profile of the owner.

Most of the times, the product which does not reveal the owner of the product, are crap and low-quality products.

3. Scarcity Gimmick

You will see that the above screenshot says that only 9 licenses are left, but it is nothing but playing a scarcity gimmick.  It tries to create urgency in the viewers and without giving any chance to dig down, Easy Cash Club, wan. you to sign in for the program  But in fact, even if you land on this page, after a week or so, you will see the same banner on the sales page of Easy Cash Club.  Either it lying or it proves that not a single sale is made within a week.

4. Not Free!

Easy Cash Club, though claims that the software is absolutely free, it is not free.  Easy Cash Club wants you to pay $ 37, as a one-time goodwill payment.  If you deny, the product is available at downsell of $ 27, not only that but it comes with many upsells!

Under the impression that the Easy Cash Club, is free if you signed in you will be bombarded with upsells, which will cost you $250+.  It is nothing but a fraud, to say at first, that the product is free and once joined you will be bombarded with upsells.

It is also clear from the fact, that Easy Cash Club, is paying its affiliate $172 per sale, which means it is much more than the initial amount of $17!


5. Fake Testimonials

Easy Cash Club, has provided testimonials, but all are made up and fake.  It’s very clear that if you cannot produce a single authentic testimony, the product is not worth your money & time.

easy cash club fake testimonials

Easy Cash club has uploaded some pics from the internet and made some fake testimonials.  You will see that Easy Cash Club has picked up and pic from some hair transplantation website and posted as a testimony, claiming earned $3100 in 4 weeks.

Also, if you search for this image, you will find that this image is appearing for more than one websites.

The same trick is done for this testimonial also, where it is claimed that Tommy has earned $8,000 in 14 days,

this image is taken from

easy cash club fake testimonials2

6. Not a single YouTube Video!

It’s very surprising that Easy Cash Club, promoting and selling software, which can produce Youtube Videos within minutes, with no hard work, yet Easy Cash Club has not produced one single YT Video, by this software.

It Easy Cash Club, has provided some YT Videos made from this software, it will be a good, authentic testimony for the product.

7. Disclaimer made it clear!

If you read the earning disclaimer of Easy Cash Club, it clearly states that there is no guarantee that you will achieve any results from this software.

8. Contact

When you try to contact Easy Cash Club, it will lead you to &!! Easy Cash Club has an affiliate page, but even their affiliates can’t contact them, because the link provided, is not clickable.  So where to contact Easy Cash Club?

9. Easycashclub domain for sale!

The most dangerous fact about Easy Cash Club is that its domain is expiring, and it’s listed for sale.  If Easy Cash club was serious about their business, they should have renewed their domain.  Instead, they are selling their domain and trying to collect as much money as possible from innocent people.

10. Selling only for $99??

Steve has also provided a video showing his earnings.  If he has earned 1,500,850.95, through this software, why he is sailing his domain only for $99??  Should not he sell this domain for much, much more price, if he is making this kind of money with this domain?


Is Easy Cash Club A Scam?

Easy Cash Club comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, so at least you are getting your money back.  But, otherwise with all these red flags, Easy Cash Club, is nothing but a Scam.

Youtube Videos is really a good way to earn money online, but it takes much hard work, consistency, and patience.

Making YT videos through some automated software is sure not a way to build your brand and authority, so stay away from this product.

With all these red flags, I would not recommend Easy Cash Club, to anyone.  Rather than wasting your time on another system that does not deliver, why not take a look at My # 1 Recommendation below.


It is the platform where I am working for the last few years and learned about online marketing.  But if you want to earn legitimate money, you need to commit to this program.

Legitimate Opportunities Requires Legitimate Effort

Making Money Online is much like any other business, which requires hard work, Patience, and Persistence.

The people who fail online is because of their wrong mindset.  People who do not want to work hard, or they want to put in little or no effort to get the results.

The business module which I highly recommend is not a get rich scheme.  You need to work hard and work hard consistently.  This is the method which has succeeded in the past and will be successful in the future years also.  It is a time proven method.

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Why I am so sure about this program?

I like to recommend my readers those programs/ products which will add value to their life, and I am sure You will thank me for introducing this program to you!

It is Free to Join

The most important thing that it is free to join, you do not need to pay a single dime while joining.  And I would also like you to go through the Starter Membership, see whether this program is for you.  Take full advantage of Starter Membership and if it suits you, Go Premium!

The Support is amazing

When you are building an online business, sometimes it becomes lonely.  You need encouragement and support from others.  this platform has an inbuilt support system in the form of an amazing community of more than 1.5+ members.  Live chat, PM, Blog are some of the ways to communicate and get support from the community.

Beginner Friendly

When I joined this platform I was totally unaware of the technical stuff and had very little to no experience working online.  But the platform is for anyone who wants to build an online business.

One Stop Destination for becoming Successful Online

Most of the tools and training which one need to be successful is available on the platform, so you do not need to go elsewhere for any further additional services.  You can easily Build and prosper your online business Under ONe Roof.


The platform teaches you the most popular earning method of online marketing i.e. affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is a very legit and sure way of earning money online, but the success depends on you.  The success is proportionately related to the hard work you put in your work.

Lastly, I have personally been with the platform

I personally working on this platform for the last few years, and am really lucky to find this platform.  It is one of the most advanced platforms online and most importantly, the environment within the community is very helping, caring and encouraging!

Since it is free to join, I highly recommend you to check out this program.

create-your-free-account button

I hope the Review of Easy Cash Club has helped you to make an informed decision.

Don’t hesitate to share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP! ?

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best 🙂


Easy Cash Club

$17 + Upsells



Value for Money








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