Top Blogging Apps: Crayon

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Welcome to My Review of Crayon App!

It’s almost four years since I started blogging.  That time we used to blog from computers or laptops.  Blogging from a smartphone was not that popular then.  But today you will find an app almost for everything, so no surprise even the most popular blogging platforms jumped into the bandwagon.  You will find every possible blogging platform from the most popular WordPress to Tumbler in Play Store.  I was curious if it is really possible to start a blog from your phone.  So I decided to try some of the apps for blogging and here is my Review of the Crayon App.

In recent times, due to worldwide lockdown, almost everyone realizes the need of going online and the huge role it can play in the coming years.  Blogging not only helps to express yourself, but it also creates an online and offline brand for you, which then you can monetize and create a monetary source.

First of all, it’s important to note that it’s really a tedious task to create a fully functional website on your phone.  Website apps are helpful to create drafts, edit existing posts on the go. Next, these apps are useful for those people who don’t have access to computers or laptops but still want to express their creativity through blogs.

You will find many blogging apps, free and paid, on Google Play. Let’s have a quick look at Crayon App:

Crayon App Review

App Name: Crayon
Available on: Android & iOS
Updated: 22 Aug 2018
Size: 43M
Requires Android: 4.1 & Up
Current Version: 1.4.0
Installs : 100,000+
Star Rating: 3.5 of 1,915 users
Price: Free
Recommended: Yes

What Is Crayon App All About?


Crayon is an app, which is available on Google Playstore & Appstore. Crayon helps you to create a website on your phone, and it’s surprisingly easy to create and edit websites on the phone.

Crayon has a free and paid version, and it offers full customization even on a free site unlike Leia, who doesn’t allow any customization unless you upgrade.

In the free plan, you get only 3 pages and 10 images whereas in the Light plan you get 30 pages and 100 images.  I must say Crayon is a much better app than the other few that I have reviewed recently.  Though it offers very limited access in a free plan, at least you have control over every element of your site.

It does not offer Google Analytics, Google Search Console in the free plan though these are free add ons and available only in the paid versions.

Of course, my first preference will always be WordPress, as it is free and you can create as many pages as you want.  You can upload images as per your requirement and the best place to get started in an online world is Wealthy Affiliate.  Not only it offers a WordPress site but also hosting and training totally free.

How to Download Crayon?

To download Crayon, visit Playstore and search and download it to your device or click the link below.

Download the Crayon App Here

Pros & Cons of Crayon App


  • Crayon is 100% free
  • Good customization options
  • Can add Google Calender
  • Make site Public or private with a click


  • Only 3/4 templates to choose in free account
  • All is not updated from the last two years
  • You require a good internet connection.


Crayon has 100,000 downloads to date and has a 3.5-star rating of about 1915 users.  No doubt, Crayon is a good app if you want to know how to make a website on your phone.  It gives you an idea about how to customize different elements of the website.  But with only 3 pages in the free version, it is very limited.

I have reviewed some similar products before:

Top Blogging Apps: WordPress App

8 Best Adult Coloring Apps Review

7 Best Apps For Audiobooks

5 Best Educational Toys for 2-3 Yr Old

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Creating a website is not a difficult task today, but you need to work consistently on your websites if you want to build a successful business.

Another important thing that I noticed is that it does not provide any training, it just gives you some instructions on how to set up your blog. While writing a blog, you come across many problems and if you are totally new to blogging, you should have basic training on how to write blogs for search engines, and how to SEO your blogs.  Without this basic knowledge, it will be really difficult to get any visibility for your website. This App has ignored all these topics.

If you want to create your own website using WordPress, one platform that you should check out is Wealthy Affiliate. Just register with your email, and you will have your own website+ hosting + training totally free.

Start-wa training banner

After you join WA, don’t forget to complete your profile. people are more willing to help you if you have a profile set up.  It adds credibility within the community and it shows that you are serious about your business & success.

It will help you to get a ton of help from WA members and also help me to earn 2 credits, which I use to bring relevant content for my readers.

Here is a free training on How to Set Up Your Account at Wealthy Affiliate.

It is the platform where I am working for the last few years and learned about online marketing.  But if you want to earn legitimate money, you need to commit to this program.

Legitimate Opportunities Requires Legitimate Effort

Making Money Online is much like any other business, which requires hard work, Patience, and Persistence.

The people who fail online is because of their wrong mindset.  People who do not want to work hard, or they want to put in little or no effort to get the results.

The business module, which I highly recommend, is not a get rich scheme.  You need to work hard and work hard consistently.  This is the method which has succeeded in the past and will be successful in the future years also.  It is a time-proven method.

Why Am I So Sure About This Program?

I like to recommend my readers those programs/ products which will add value to their life, and I am sure you will thank me for introducing this program to you!

It Is Free To Join

The most important thing that it is free to join, you do not need to pay a single dime while joining.  And I would also like you to go through the Starter Membership, see whether this program is for you.  Take full advantage of Starter Membership, and if it suits you, Go Premium!

The Support Is Amazing

When you are building an online business, sometimes it becomes lonely.  You need encouragement and support from others. This platform has an inbuilt support system in the form of a fantastic community of more than 1.5+ members.  Live chat, PM, Blog are some of the ways to communicate and get support from the community.

Beginner Friendly

When I joined this platform, I was unaware of the technical stuff and had very little to no experience working online.  But the platform is for anyone who wants to build an online business.

One-Stop Destination For Becoming Successful Online

Most of the tools and training which one needs to be successful are available on the platform, so you do not need to go elsewhere for any further additional services.  You can quickly Build and prosper your online business Under ONe Roof.


The platform teaches you the most popular earning method of online marketing, i.e. affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is a very legit and sure way of earning money online, but the success depends on you.  The success is proportionately related to the hard work you put in your work.

Lastly, I Have Personally Been With The Platform

I am personally working on this platform for the last few years, and I am fortunate to find this platform.  It is one of the most advanced platforms online, and most importantly, the environment within the community is tremendously helping, caring, and encouraging!

Since it is free to join, I highly recommend you check out this program.

create free account

I hope the Review of the Crayon App has helped you to make an informed decision.

Don’t hesitate to share it with whoever you believe will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below, and I’ll get back to you ASAP!

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best ?


Crayon App






Overall Quality



  • Free Website
  • Good customization options
  • Can connect with Google Calendar


  • Very limited free plan
  • No GA & GSC for free members
  • App not updated since two years

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