Ali Profits Review – Legit or Scam | 5 Figure Income in 30 Minutes?

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Welcome to My Review of Ali Profits System!

Ali Profits is a software which teaches about dropshipping and e-commerce, specifically through  Alibaba.  According to Shawn, the owner of the product, you can earn hundreds of dollars through this program.

Do you want to earn money from Ali Profits? or do you searching if Ali Profits is a scam or a legit opportunity to earn money?

First of all, I want to congratulate you for doing your own due diligence and for sure, is the Best Way To Avoid Scams Online and save your hard-earned money.

Let me help you to find out the truth about Ali Profits and guide you in the right direction to make money online.

Also, let me be completely transparent with you, I am not associate with Ali Profits in any form.  So rest assured I’m not here to pitch or sell anything to you!

Ali Profits Review

Company Name: Ali Profits

Website URL:

Owner: Shawn J

Price: $37 + Upsells

Recommended: NO

What Is Ali Profits All About?

Ali Profits System is a software developed by Shawn J.  Ali Profits, teaches you all about e-commerce, dropshipping and how to earn thousands of dollars from it.

Shawn J, in the sales video, shares his story, that how he developed this software.  Shawn J was working with an e-commerce company as a software engineer.  He was working day and out, to make his company successful and his team workers.

He mentions that he always used to work overtime to complete his assigned tasks, he was badly missing his family life due to his job.  But instead of rewarding Shawn, his boss targeted him and scolded and humiliated in front of all office staff.

Shawn J left his job, and try to figure out how to make money online.  Because of his background in the e-commerce business, he decided to try his hand at e-commerce stores.

After much research and testing, he discovered his own system of making money online with an e-commerce store.

E-commerce store and dropshipping are the two fundamentals, on which Shawn developed his new software.  He claims that till date he has taught more than 100 students, who are earning 5 figure income.

Ali Profits giving great results according to Shawn, and so now he is offering this opportunity only to 20 new students

How Ali Profits Really Works?

Ali Profits is a software developed by Shawn J, which helps you to earn $500 per day.  Ali Profits teach you all about e-commerce and drop shipping, and how to use Alibaba e-commerce store to earn thousands of dollars.

Shawn says that Alibaba e-commerce store has untapped potential and only 50% of its potential is used, so there is a huge opportunity to earn money from Alibaba e-commerce store.

Ali Profits has provided a good amount of video training and study material which can help you to get rolling.

Dropshipping and e-commerce are very legitimate ways of making money online, so Shawn is providing a legitimate opportunity.  But the problem is how Shawn is presenting this opportunity.

Shawn is making huge claims of daily earnings of $500 per day, which is not possible to a newbie.

Dropshipping is a business module where you do not need to store inventories, you set up a website, and when you get an order, you contact the wholesaler and that dealership the product to your customer.  You keep the difference between the price.

Though it seems good, that you do not need to store the products, still you are responsible for refunds, exchange, returns and customer complaints.

So, if your dealer fails to deliver the product on time, or deliver the product in bad condition, you will be responsible for return and refunds.

Also, you need to face any and all customer complaints regarding the product.  So though you are acting as a middleman, you are mainly responsible for the quality of the service your dealer is providing.

So you see obviously for any newbie, it is not the right profession to start, because it needs much guidance and training.

Apart from it, dropshipping and e-commerce store needs a load of traffic to make a sale.  Without traffic, it is not possible to make any sale.

You need to drive traffic to your e-commerce store through Facebook ads and other paid traffic.  So first of all, you need to invest a lot of money and if you do not know what you are doing, you will get burnt.

Shawn promotes this product, as a get rich quick scheme, by saying that you just need to work for 30 minutes daily and you will earn hundreds of dollars per day.

But it is not so, dropshipping and e-commerce need much hard work and patience, then Shawn says.  If only through any automated system people will be able to earn money, why so many people work day and out.

I’ve spent some time digging through all the layers to get into the heart of the system and discover if it’s just another scam or there is a possibility that this system works, but I found many Red Flags of Ali Profits.

Let’s Discuss Red Flags of Ali Profits

Unknown Owner

Ali Profits is developed by Shawn and he promotes it through a sales video.  Though the sales video is very decent, but not once Shawn shows on the sales video.  Nor will you find any of his social media profile on the Internet.

Today when most of the products are highly publicized on different social media, it’s surprising that you will not find any mention of Ali Profits and Shawn in any of the social media.

I have reviewed many products and I have come across many products where the owner doesn’t disclose his identity, and the product turns out to be a scam or with a dubious background.

Shawn is also a pen name and no person of this name is existent, so it is a major red flag about this product.

A product which claims that it can earn thousands of dollars, then the owner of this product should proudly launch his product and not to hide his identity.

Over-Hyped Earnings

The entire sales video of Ali Profits claimed the over-hyped earnings.  If you visit the website o Ali Profits you will notice that a big banner claims that anyone, without previous knowledge or any skill, can earn $500k from this product.

Now, this is not possible for any newbie, who has no knowledge of dropshipping and e-commerce system, will earn $500 per day, by doing just 30 minutes of work.

You will also see claims of earning $2,500 per day in the sales video by different people.  Shawn is presenting drop shipping as a get rich scheme, where he says that it is a fully automated system, where one does not need to be working more than 30 minutes.

Shawn is presenting this product as an instant money earner, just to entice the people and buy his product.


Ali Profits has provided many testimonials in the sales video, but not a single testimonial is authentic. All the testimonial are fake and made up.

You will find the testimonials are made up with the help of Fiverr actors.  If a product is successful, it should not need to produce fake and made up testimonials.  In fact, it proves that there is not a single authentic testimonial which is reliable.

It is very interesting to note that, Ali Profits, is almost a year online, and still can not produce a single authentic result which they can promote through the sales video.

it clearly shows that the product is not trustworthy and one should not invest in the Ali Profits.


Ali Profits has provided decent training on the subject in the video format and also e-book, a case study of how a student earned 2k in the first month, cheat sheet and so on.

But as I said earlier, dropshipping and e-commerce needs extensive training and experience in the fields.  Though it has provided basic training, it has not provided any resources or tools to have a hand on experience of how this system works.

It’s very basic training, and to claim that one can earn thousands of dollars per day through this training is not realistic.


Ali Profits, costs $37 upfront but once you enrolled in the program, you have to buy other upsells, which will cost you $197. (downsell $97).

It is almost a trend now in the online world, to have many upsells of the product, but the upsells are not valid if it is not providing any value to the buyer.

Though the downsell is available for $97, the Ali Profits is not providing any major training and cannot be validated.

You will find much good training on Youtube and Google for free, so there is no need to waste any money on this product.

False Scarcity

Shawn claims that through this program his students are earning more than $2,500 per day, and now he is making the opportunity available only to 20 new students.

This is nothing but a false scarcity gimmick so that you will buy this product instantly.  Even if you watch the sales video after a month also, you will hear the same claim of availability of only 20 seats.

Refund Policy

Ali Profits claims 60-day money back guarantee through Clickbetter.  The product is available through Click better, but you will find many complaints against Clickbetter on the Internet.

Most importantly Click better has many complaints and negative reviews on BBB.  Many complaints are mostly for non-payment of money back guarantee.

So beware of this product before buying, because you will not get your money back if you don’t like the product.


Ali Profits, says that it will provide full support and have its own team working 24 hours if you need any kind of support.

But Ali Profits has provided only an email to contact them, but when I try to validate the email, I found that it is not a real email.

So again a major red flag here, if a product gives you fake email id, it is up to you, if you want to buy this product.

I have reviewed some similar products before:

Is Secret Profit Club A Scam?

Is Automated Profit Formula A Scam?

Is Do Weekly Work A Scam?

Is My Work for Life A Scam?

Is Partner With Anthony A Scam?

How Much Ali Profits Really Costs?

Ali Profits cost $37 Upfront,

Upsell $197 for Tri Money Machine, which claims that you will make money faster by three fold.

Down sell $97

Is Ali Profits A Scam?

I would not say that Ali Profits is a Scam, as it provides a decent training, but I would not recommend Ali Profits, to anyone for the obvious reasons.

First of all the owner of the Ali Profits is hidden, he never revealed his identity on the sales videos.  It is important to introduce yourself if you are promoting a product.  On the contrary, you will not find any identity proof of Shawn J.

Lack of authentic testimonials is another red flag of the Ali Profits.  It is very strange that even after the program has launched a year before, it is unable to produce a single authentic testimonial.

No support where you can contact any authority, even the email provided is not valid.  Ali Profits provides money back guarantee though Clcikbetter, but even Clickbetter has many negative reviews and complaints against it.

So it is up to you if you want to buy the Ali Profits, but I would not recommend it.

Rather than wasting your time on another system that does not deliver, why not take a look at My # 1 Recommendation below.


This post may contain affiliate links that mean if you click and buy, I may receive a small commission(at zero cost to you).  Please see my full Disclosure Policy for details.

It is the platform where I am working for the last few years and learned about online marketing.  But if you want to earn legitimate money, you need to commit to this program.

Legitimate Opportunities Requires Legitimate Effort

Making Money Online is much like any other business, which requires hard work, Patience, and Persistence.

The people who fail online is because of their wrong mindset.  People who do not want to work hard, or they want to put in little or no effort to get the results.

The business module which I highly recommend is not a get rich scheme.  You need to work hard and work hard consistently.  This is the method which has succeeded in the past and will be successful in the future years also.  It is a time proven method.

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Why I am so sure about this program?

I like to recommend my readers those programs/ products which will add value to their life, and I am sure You will thank me for introducing this program to you!

It is Free to Join

The most important thing that it is free to join, you do not need to pay a single dime while joining.  And I would also like you to go through the Starter Membership, see whether this program is for you.  Take full advantage of Starter Membership and if it suits you, Go Premium!

The Support is amazing

When you are building an online business, sometimes it becomes lonely.  You need encouragement and support from others.  this platform has an inbuilt support system in the form of an amazing community of more than 1.5+ members.  Live chat, PM, Blog are some of the ways to communicate and get support from the community.

Beginner Friendly

When I joined this platform I was totally unaware of the technical stuff and had very little to no experience working online.  But the platform is for anyone who wants to build an online business.

One Stop Destination for becoming Successful Online

Most of the tools and training which one need to be successful is available on the platform, so you do not need to go elsewhere for any further additional services.  You can easily Build and prosper your online business Under ONe Roof.


The platform teaches you the most popular earning method of online marketing i.e. affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is a very legit and sure way of earning money online, but the success depends on you.  The success is proportionately related to the hard work you put in your work.

Lastly, I have personally been with the platform

I personally working on this platform for the last few years, and am really lucky to find this platform.  It is one of the most advanced platforms online and most importantly, the environment within the community is very helping, caring and encouraging!

Since it is free to join, I highly recommend you to check out this program.

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I hope the Review of Ali Profits has helped you to make an informed decision.

Don’t hesitate to share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP! ?

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best 🙂


2 thoughts on “Ali Profits Review – Legit or Scam | 5 Figure Income in 30 Minutes?”

  1. Very informative post. Today, somehow, when I walked on the street, the word “drop shipping” came into my mind. I have heard the word but never dig into deeper. And, I came across your article. According to what I learned from your post, It seems It seems very time consuming and stressful work.
    I prefer affiliate marketing. It is interesting and can create residual income, not like drop shipping.

    • Drop Shipping and Affiliate Marketing both are great ways to make money online, but affiliate marketing is risk-free and more suitable for beginners. If you are totally new to internet marketing I think affiliate marketing is the best option to start with.
      If you want to start with affiliate marketing, I would like you to check out Wealthy Affiliate, which has a free starter membership with all tools and training.



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