Is Postal Jobs Source A Scam? – A+ Rating or BBB Warning Against It?

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Welcome to My Review of Postal Jobs Source!

Do you want to earn money from Postal Jobs Source? or do you searching if Postal Jobs Source is a scam or a legit opportunity to earn money?

First of all, I want to congratulate you on doing your own due diligence and for sure, is the Best Way To Avoid Scams Online and save your hard-earned money.

Let me help you to find out the truth about Postal Jobs Source and guide you in the right direction to make money online.

Also, let me be completely transparent with you, I am not associate with Postal Jobs Source in any form.  So rest assured I’m not here to pitch or sell anything to you!

Postal Jobs Source Review

Company Name: Postal Jobs Source

Website URL:

Owner: Dennis Price

Launched in: 17/7/2017

Price: $48

Recommended: NO

What Is Postal Jobs Source All About?

Postal Jobs Source is a website which helps to get a secured job in the postal services in the US.  To get selected for Postal Service Customer Service Career Position, you need to take an exam and your score will determine your employment.

Postal Jobs Source provides all the material and training required for the exam.  Its registration package give all the information you need to score well in the exam and be approved for employment.

Postal Jobs Source, in short, offering a registration package for $48, a one time fee, for clearing the postal service exam and approved for the employment.

How Postal Jobs Source Really Works?

Postal Jobs Source is a website that provides a registration package for clearing the postal services exam.  It includes all the material and all the information that you will need to clear the exam with good scores.

postal jobs source

It also claims that one will get $33 to 82 per hour and $56,700 per year as an average pay.  So it seems to be a fair site.

Also the Sales video is quite to the point and without much-hyped claims:

So far so good, until I reach the end of the sales page of Postal Jobs Source.

better business bureaur fake certificate

In this screenshot you will see that it says that it has A+ BBB rating and it is offering 200% Money Back Guarantee which means if you don’t receive employment within 90 days, you will receive the double amount.

I sense something fishy here, and after researching about this website I found that the website has many similar websites like:

besides that, it has many complaints on BBB platform, and though it shows A+ Better Business Rating, BBB,-Better Business Bureau– in reality, has issued an alert against it.

BBB warning against postal jobs source

You will see complaints about this on BBB website

compalint on BBB

It also mentions another website which follows the same suite to misguide the people.

As I mentioned earlier it has many websites like this one, which again functions the same way as postal jobs source

sister website of postal jobs source

Again postal job source is cheating people by selling the registration package for $48, as it is available for free on

Interestingly FTC also issues a warning against Government Jobs Scam. in which it is clearly mentioned that it is free to register for these jobs and also provide the material for free.

FTC warning against government scams

so it is clear by now for me that it is not a legit website.  I’ve spent some time digging through all the layers to get into the heart of the system and discover if it’s just another scam or there is a possibility that this system works, but I found many Red Flags of Postal Jobs Source

Let’s Discuss Red Flags of Postal Jobs Source

Unknown Owner

Postal Jobs Service has not made it clear who is the owner and who is behind all these websites.  It is clear that all these websites are the same and has the same landing page and same sales video.  So I do not understand what is the purpose of having different domains if it is a legit site?

No legit site will ever want to have a clone website of its original and brand website. On the contrary, every businessman tries to have a unique and different website.

It is a bit shady on the part of Postal Jobs Service not to disclose who is the owner of these websites.

Testimonials is online since 2017, but even after two years, it has not posted a single testimonial on its website.

There should be at least some people who really got the job after taking this registration package from the postal job source.

On the contrary, you will find many complaints against them. Read how this registration package fee is nothing but a scam on

Here is one more alert about post office jobs.

So by now it is very clear that registration package, is nothing but a scam product.  If they really had provided some really good training, then one should not have complaint against them.

It is clear from their own disclaimer which you will find in the footer of the website.


It clearly states that Postal Jobs Source is not affiliated with postal services.  It also mentions that you may or may not get the employment following this registration package, which itself makes it clear that the information in this registration package is not worth buying.


Postal Jobs Source is the FAQ section that claims that it has better training on the subject, and has detailed study material in the registration package.

If that was really true, no would have any objection, but the disclaimer on the site made it clear that the training is not up to the mark and thought it provides 200% guarantee, in the footer, it says there is no guarantee that one will really get and employment through it.

I have reviewed some shady products before:

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How Much Postal Jobs Source Really Costs?

Postal Jobs Source costs you $48 for its registration package, but if you go through all the negative remarks about postal job sources, it is hard to believe that one really gets employment through this website.

Though it claims 200% that one will get employment, in reality, there are many other criteria’s to get an employment besides this test.  They stress that the exam is more of an aptitude test, not something that you can study for. Plus, passing the postal exam doesn’t automatically guarantee a job, since other factors, such as passing both a background and a drug test, can make or break you landing a postal position.

Other than that, you will also find that many come across charging their credit cards without their knowledge.

Is Postal Jobs Source A Scam?

After BBB and FTC declaring these as a SCAM, one should beware of such sites claiming that it will help them getting employment.

Using fake BBB rankings on the website clearly shows the intention of Postal Jobs Source.  They wanted people to believe them and readily give them $48, for no valid reason.

If they can not give employment or prepare candidates for the test, I think it is a waste of money.  If the training was really good, Postal Jobs Source had not to admit in their footer that one may really get employment through its website.  So putting the seal of a 200% guarantee has no meaning and lost its value.

By the way, this seal can easily be made with any image editing software and in fact, there is no guarantee that you will really get a 200% money back.

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I hope the Review of Postal Jobs Source has helped you to make an informed decision.

Don’t hesitate to share it with whoever you believe will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP! ?

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best 🙂


Postal Jobs Source




Value for Money


Options to Earn




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