Learn Referral Marketing to Build Audience Beyond Google!

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Do not Put All Your Eggs in One Basket, especially in case of Google.  Google dominates all other search engines with 90% traffic from desktop and 95%mobile.  We have all seen that a single algorithm change, can harm any established site.

Thus, it is important to diversify your traffic, one very useful source is Referral Marketing.  Referral Marketing is very useful to give you some additional traffic.

What is Referral Marketing?

According to Wikipedia,” Referral marketing is the method of promoting products or services to new customers through referrals, usually word of mouth. Such referrals often happen spontaneously but businesses can influence this through appropriate strategies.”

In simple terms, Referral Marketing can also be described as Experience Marketing.  We all love to share our experience and through our reference, another person may purchase a product or visit a forum, community or website, a word of mouth publicity, are good examples of Referral Marketing.

Do you know that reviews are the best example of referral marketing, heck even the sites like Yelp, yellow pages, even Google, where you can share your review is the classic example of referral marketing?

How to find niche related places?

There are a ton of ways, you can find out niche related places, like forums, community, and so on, which you can join, ask questions, answer questions, leave your blog link once you get familiar with the forum, and thus create a brand and authority for yourself.

  1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the best way to find out your referrals. Log into your Google Analytics, under Acquisition>overview you will find Referral tab.

If you click on it, you will get all the details about it.

2. Search Console

In Search Console, under Links, you will find “Top Linking Sites”.

3. Type “niche” community in Google Search Bar

Type “niche” community to find out your niche related communities online, you will see a number of communities will appear in the search results.

Go through all of them, see which one suits you, remember to choose one which is most updated and have a decent number of followers.

For e.g. For finding communities related to Affiliate Marketing, I search –“Affiliate Marketing” community —

You will see different results for the keyword “affiliate marketing” community, in the result, you will see the Wealthy Affiliate Community is ranking on Page 1.

Wealthy Affiliate has the best community on the Internet at present.  The community is warm & always encouraging.  Building online business can be sometimes very lonely and cumbersome, but with the WA community by your side, literally 24×7, you never feel discouraged and lonely.

Check Out This Amazing Community for Free

4. For Lazor targeted results type: “niche” “powered by phpbb”

phpbb is forum software that you can use online, so when you type your niche keyword before “powered by phpbb” you get super targeted results to find out forums on the online.

For e.f. I have typed “video creation””powered by phpbb”, to search super targeted results for “video creation”

5. Forum Software Online – Google Search

Search Forum Software Online, to find out the online forum software, which you can download and use on your website.

3 Strong Simple Place to go Beyond Google

  • YouTube
  • Social Media
  • FB Communities

These 3 places can drive you a good amount of traffic if you indulge with your audience on these platforms regularly.


Youtube has a discussion area inside it, where you can leave messages to your viewers.  Also, big youtube channels have a community area, where the owner, as well as viewers, can leave messages and have great communication.

Now when you take part in these discussions, if someone clicks your gravatar or profile picture, it will lead them to your channel, and thus you will have new viewers and increased traffic.

Social Media

The role of social media in building your brand and authority is huge, and you should involve with your readers and viewers to connect with them and guide them, not just leaving your links to get traffic to your site.

You can connect with them through Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platforms.  When you connect with your viewers on a regular basis, you will create a rapport with them and naturally, they will find your profile and follow you, which will again give a boost to your traffic.

Facebook Communities

If you search in FB, your niche keyword + community, you will find many niche related communities and groups.

You can join them, take part in the discussion, ask the question, answer queries and it will help you to establish yourself as an authority and brand.

This way you create your own network, which will like to follow you on your website, so another traffic source which is super targeted.

Email Marketing

Apart from these techniques, you can also leverage Email marketing to follow up people and build a great network with them.

They already have on your list which means they are aware of your brand and you.  Now you just need to connect with them, help them by solving their problems genuinely, and it will be a very controlled group which can you easily control to sale, lead or any kind of conversion.

You can also send your blog post to your email list, every time you blog, so it will have a surge of traffic to your site.


Apart from Google, social media, youtube, and private niche communities and groups can provide you a great source of the traffic to your website.

Especially Youtube, and social media platforms can be very useful to drive traffic to your website and build your own brand.

These are very simple tricks which will convert very well in regard to traffic.  Along with Google, if you pay attention to these sources, surely you will see a good result in your traffic.

Do you use Youtube and social media platforms, to drive traffic to your website?  Which technique do you like of the above mentioned?  Pl let me know in the comments below, I will be glad to guide you in the right direction.

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