Infinite Increasing Income Review

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When the whole world is going through a terrible experience of the Corona outbreak and almost every country is getting affected by it, it does not stop some people from scamming people in the name of preventing and treating the disease.  Further, it claims that you can actually make money by promoting its product.  Can you really make money selling this product,  let’s find out in this Infinite Increasing Income  MLM Review.

What is Infinite Increasing Income MLM?

Infinite Increasing Income  MLM is a new company claims that it has a product named”MEDIC a bottle” which can prevent and cure the Coronavirus.  We all know how the whole world is terrified of this virus.  No doubt, people are waiting for a cure for it and ready to pay hundreds of dollars.

Infinite Increasing Income  MLM claims that you need to take a teaspoon of MEDIC in a bottle a day.  It also kills 99.9% bacteria.

Is Infinite Increasing Income Worth Their Price?

First of all, it is important to note that still there is no medicine for the Coronavirus, so all the claims by  Infinite Increasing Income  MLM are false and one should stay away from it.

Medic in a Bottle is a colloidal silver solution, marketed as a coronavirus preventative by the Infinite Increasing Income. The company has not provided any documented evidence of its effectiveness against Coronavirus.

To start with, if you visit the website and dig down a bit, you will clearly notice the red flags of the Infinite Increasing Income  MLM.  It is said that Greg Simmons is the founder of the Infinite Increasing Income and Ultimate Luxury Alliance but if you search for Greg, you will find no clue who the fellow is.  It is clearly a pen name and no person exists by this name associated with the company.

Secondly, if you check the contact information of the company, it has given the location of the US.

Infinite Increasing Income review-contact

But if you check the Whois of the company, it clearly says that the registrar is from Panama.

Whois infiniteincreasingincome com

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

The Infinite Increasing Income MLM Opportunity

As an Infinite Increasing Income affiliate, you pay a monthly fee of $50 every month.  In Infinite Increasing Income it’s a gift to someone who joined before you.  It is called a 1-up model and it is tracked via Unilevel Compensation Structure.

What is the Unilevel Compensation Plan?

infinite increasing income review -unilevel-commission-structure

A uni-level compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a uni-level team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them i.e. on level 1.

If any level 1 affiliate recruits new members, it is placed under the level second of the original affiliate’s uni-level.

If any level 2 affiliate recruits new members, it is placed under the third level and so on and so forth for unlimited levels.

Each Infinite Increasing Income affiliate pays $50 a month, which is gifted to someone who joined earlier.

The $50 gifting payment generated by their first recruit is passed up to the affiliate who recruited them.

How Much Does It Cost to Join Infinite Increasing Income?

To join Infinite Increasing Income, you pay $310 and $50 as a monthly fee.  You get an 8 oz bottle of MEDIC in a bottle each month and a T-shirt.

Is Infinite Increasing Income a Scam?

Infinite Increasing Income is no doubt a Scam as there is no authentic and medically proven medicine for coronavirus till now. So to sell a product that is not medically proven and not backed by FTC is a crime itself. In fact, FTC & the FDA has issued a warning against making Coronavirus Claims.

Infinite Increasing Income claims that its flagship product i.e. MEDIC in a bottle contains Colloidal silver. So what is Colloidal silver?

Colloidal silver products are made of tiny silver particles suspended in a liquid — the same type of precious metal used in jewelry, dental fillings, silverware, and other consumer goods.

Manufacturers of colloidal silver products often claim that they are cure-alls, boosting your immune system, fighting bacteria and viruses, and treating cancer, HIV/AIDS, shingles, herpes, eye ailments and prostatitis.

However, no sound scientific studies to evaluate these health claims have been published in reputable medical journals.

You will also find the same scam going on nowadays on the Internet, and you will find the same script on the

infinite increasing income review-silver infusionscam

infinite incresing income review-silver infusion scam

So beware of these scam MLM companies, which do not have legal and medically approved products, which in turn can put you in trouble.

Recommended Read:

Why multilevel marketing won’t make you rich

3 Mind-Blowing Statistics About MLMS

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Infinite Increasing Income is a scam MLM company and one must stay away from such products.  In reality, they are trying to cash on the fear and phobia people have around the latest outbreak of coronavirus.  The fact that there is no medically proven Elixir or medicine for the coronavirus.  Personal hygiene and social distance is the only proven remedy for the virus.

Infinite Increasing Income claims that its flagship product MEDIC in a bottle has colloidal silver in it that can prevent any virus and infection.  But medical authorities have denied any claim made by its producers and warned that it can be harmful in some cases.

Colloidal silver products may also interact with medications, including penicillamine (Cuprimine, Depen), quinolone antibiotics, tetracycline and thyroxine (Unithroid, Levoxyl, Synthroid) medications-Brent A. Bauer, M.D.

And if you are looking for a business opportunity,  with MLMs you will never have your own business.  You can easily earn commissions by selling thousands of products online without forcing your friends and family members.

Nowadays there are many opportunities available on the Internet through which you can make money in a legit way.

If you want to make your own money by selling products, start your own business by checking out my #1 recommendation. You’ll get all the tools you need including a website, hosting, training, and 24/7 support.

Infinite Increading Income




Value for Money


Overall Quality



  • No Benefit


  • FDA Warning
  • Fake Product
  • Colloidal Silver Don't Protect From Virus

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