LegalShield MLM Review

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LegalShield is a different MLM than other MLMs.  It is not a product base but it provides service to its members.  Legal issues arise in unpleasant ways and most of the times unwanted.  A common man can not necessarily be aware of all the legal intricacies, and it’s always on the safe side to have a full consultancy and a batch of lawyers to guide you.  LegalShield offers legal services at a much affordable price.  But can you make money selling legal services, let’s find out in this LegalShield MLM Review.

What is LegalShield MLM?

LegalShield is a MLM company that sells prepaid legal services and identity theft solutions.  It was founded by Harland Stonecipher in 1972.  He was a life insurance salesman from Oklahoma.

He met an accident, with no fault of his own but he was forced to fire an attorney and struggled to pay his own legal expenses.

Today LegalShield has more than 7000 independent attorneys and 1.7 million members across the United States, Canada, and the U.K.

LegalShield was incorporated as Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. in 1976 and was traded on the New York Stock Exchange in 1984. It became a private company again in 2011 when it was purchased by MidOcean Partners for $650 million.

Are LegalShield Services Worth Their Price?

LegalShield provides many legal services like will preparation, traffic violation defense, setting up a power attorney, consultations, and criminal charges resulting from auto accidents among other services.

legalshield review-different plans

One of the major plus points of LegalShield services is that they can be tailored according to your needs and situation.  LegalShield services can be bought individually or a package deal.

Monthly payments are a much better option from the client’s point of view, who otherwise need to pay$200 per hour.

legalshield review-covers many areas

So yes, they provide a range of legal services at a very reasonable price, not to forget you have a group of attorneys to help you out.

People seem to like their services and you will find many positive reviews on different forums like Consumeraffairs and BBB.

But would it be beneficial to join LegalShield as an Associate, let’s see what LegalShield has to offer on this front?

The LegalShield MLM Opportunity

LegalShield runs its business on an MLM module, which means you have to sell the product or service before you make a single dime from the product.

Not to forget in the application, you will be asked to fill in the details of your friends and relatives, whom you will be contacting to sell these services.

I find this quite annoying and any company, particularly with an MLM background can misuse this data for selling their services.

MLM companies are notoriously popular for spoiling your friend and family relationships.

How Much Does It Cost to Join LegalShield?

To join LegalShield as a new member you pay a fee of $99+license fee.  Every year you need to renew your membership, otherwise, it get canceled.

Your membership includes training, material, back-office and sponsors support.

The license fee depends on the state you live in.  So the fees are not fixed and it changes according to your location.

Other than this, you also need to pay for your personal expenses like phone calls, travel expenses, and so on.

Can You Make Money with LegalShield?

First of all, it is important to note that LegalShield is not a physical product but a service.  It could be positive or the negative.  It all depends on how you convince customers.

But since LegalShield provides legal service at an affordable price, and these services are a must in today’s world, selling these services can be a bit easy.

If you made a sale per month, your earnings would be $6000 per year, so approximately $500 per month.  You will also receive a commission on renewals.

But it’s also important to remember if any of the members cancel their membership within a time span of 12 months, your commission will be reverted.  So all your hard work going to be wasted.

You can expand your network by joining other associates under your network and thus, earn additional income.


Good Services At Affordable Prices:

One of the major highlights of LegalShield is it offers many services at a very affordable price.  When you remind your potential customer that most lawyers cost $200 per hour,  selling the membership can be easy.

The network of Lawyers:

Customers will have access to the network of lawyers and it makes their life so easy if in any circumstances they need legal services.

When a customer calls LegalShield, a customer representative has the appropriate lawyer return the call within four hours.

Different Plans Available:

LegalShield has different plans suitable for different categories like for family, business, for individual and you also have the choice to tailor your plan.


Omitted Essential Services:

LegalShield has omitted important services like Medical issues and criminal charges.  These are not covered under any package.  If you need any of these services, you need to buy by paying extra charges.  But you will get a 25% discount on using their preferred lawyers.

No Choice In Attorneys:

You do not have any choice on the attorneys, so it can be very difficult to work with a lawyer which is not your choice.


As a LegalShield associate you receive a commission on a yearly contract, suppose any of your clients cancel the contract within 12 months, your commission will be a chargeback.

Is LegalShield a Scam?

LegalShield is not a scam and it is providing good service from the customer’s point of view.  But if you are thinking to join LegalShield as an associate and earn a commission, you do need to think it differently.

First you need to buy a separate state license if that state needs it, even after paying $99 as a membership.

LegalShield may provide a network of lawyers, but not all lawyers are helpful and your commission is based on these lawyers.  If your customers face any issue with them, they may cancel their yearly contract, which will revoke your commission.

It also depends on your convincing skills to make more customers and associates under your belt.

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LegalShield is honest by clearing that it is not a get rich scheme and will take a lot of work.  But still selling a legal service, and making money from it is a bit difficult.  Your hard work will pay you nothing if your customers are not happy with the lawyers and the services they get.

You cannot assure that the lawyers will be kind, sensitive, and helpful always.  Why depend on others to make you money?

If you want to make your own money by selling products and services, start your own business by checking out my #1 recommendation. You’ll get all the tools you need including a website, hosting, training, and 24/7 support.

LegalShield MLM






Overall Quality



  • Good Quality Services
  • Decent Prices
  • Different Plans Available


  • Important Issues Neglected
  • No Choice of Attorney
  • Chargeback

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