My Adds Up Review – Legit or Scam? Stay Away It’s A HYI Program

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Welcome to My Review of My Adds Up!

Do you want to earn money from My Adds Up? or do you searching if My Adds Up is a scam or a legit opportunity to earn money?

First of all, I want to congratulate you on doing your own due diligence and for sure, is the Best Way To Avoid Scams Online and save your hard-earned money.

Let me help you to find out the truth about My Adds Up and guide you in the right direction to make money online.

Also, let me be completely transparent with you, I am not associate with My Adds Up in any form.  So rest assured I’m not here to pitch or sell anything to you!

My Adds Up Review

Company Name: My Adds Up

Website URL:

Owner: Hidden

Launched in: Feb 2019

Price: Varied

Recommended: NO

What Is My Adds Up All About?

My Adds Up is a revenue share company and a paid to click program which guarantees you earning up to $36 per click depending upon the number of ads pack you purchase.

My Adds Up also has a referral program in which you get 10% of whatever they purchase and 5% of what they earn.  It’s one of the most enticing offers by My Adds Up.

Though it sounds good, it’s a very risky program, can be defined as the High Yield Investment Program(HYIP).

How My Adds Up Really Works?

Watch this video to know the basics about My Adds Up:

My Adds Up is a recruitment based program that offers you different ad plans in which you can invest as low as $1 and there is no maximum amount.

It involves 4 steps:

  1. Deposit Funds
  2. Buy an Ad pack
  3. Referral Commissions
  4. Withdraw profits

Basically it is important to note that My Adds Up is an advertising platform and there is no product to offer.  The main focus of My Adds Up is to recruit other peoples so that constant money flow rotates down the line.

Your earning depends on the ad pack you buy, higher the pack, higher your earnings.  All this is done through software, which distributes funds accordingly.  These payments are spread out for at least a month’s time.  and if goes on till the recruiting goes on and once it slows down or stops, you will not make any money.

Yes, you can make money with My Adds Up, as long as people are joining it and it distributing the percentage with its members.

But once the recruiting slows down, people will try to withdraw the money which will make the situation worse.

One thing that keeps My Adds Up floating is its affiliate program.  Once you are a member of My Adds Up, you can share it with your friends, family and social media.

As I said earlier, it is offering incentives that no revenue share have offered in the past.  My Adds Up offers 10% of whatever their referral purchase and 5% of what they earn through it.

So obviously people try to bring new people to this program and that’s why it sustaining.  But do My Adds Up, paying its members?  You will find testimonials where people have started complaining about it.

You will find many complaints about My Adds Up on different forums

complaints of my adds up


complaints my adds up

Yes, exactly what the member is complaining is right, My Adds Up started just a few months back, exactly on 3/2/2019, the domain is registered.

doamin verification of my adds up

In just eight months it is impossible to pay its members around $3083790.09.

wrong stats by my adds up

Again if you notice the payment processors, it has Bitcoin, Perfect Money and Payeer,  they are not very popular as Paypal.

Again My Adds Up is not transparent with its minimum withdrawal, on its website it says $5 is minimum payout but it is $15 for bitcoin and $5 for the other two.  But My Adds Up hiding the facts.

not transparent

Now read what a My Adds Up’s member says:

not transparent

So there are mixed reactions from its members, but if you face any problem like not able to cash out, there is no way to contact My Adds Up.  They have provided an email address, which is a false email address when I verified it.

email verification failed

I’ve spent some time digging through all the layers to get into the heart of the system and discover if it’s just another scam or there is a possibility that this system works, but I found many Red Flags of My Adds Up.

Let’s Discuss Red Flags of My Adds Up

Unknown Owner

One of the major concern with My Adds Up, is you will not find any information about who is the owner of this website or from where it is operating, any kind of information is hidden from the people.

When I searched the internet, I found Mindy Davis is the owner of this website, but I am not totally sure whether this information is true.

When you asked people to invest in a product or program, at least you should reveal your identity and know-how.

Over-Hyped Earnings

My Adds Up is made up of 13 groups each having a set number of points in it and an increasing earnings value. Group 1 will earn you $0.12 per day up to 154% profit, Group 13 will earn you $726 a day up to 154% profit.

This is the information you will find on the My Adds Up website.  It also mentions that one can make $36.30 per click and 154% guaranteed income.

Homepage of My Adds Up

As I mentioned earlier also, it is only a revenue sharing program which offered 10% of referral purchase and 5% of their earning.  It makes things vulnerable.

In fact it is nothing but a High Yield Investment Program(HYIP).  According to Wikipedia, “A high-yield investment program (HYIP) is a type of Ponzi scheme, an investment scam that promises an unsustainably high return on investment by paying previous investors with the money invested by new investors.”

No doubt, My Adds Up is a very risky program, and one should avoid it at any cost.


You will find mixed testimonials from its members, some saying it is paying and some complaining about it.

But what I noticed that all the payouts are not more than $15 so far, and nothing substantial.  So I would advise doing your due diligence before investing any big amount in My Adds Up.

I have reviewed some shady products before:

AuxMoney.ICU: Proof that it is a Scam

Money Looper Review: $70 for watching sales video

Legit Guide Review: New Scam By Jamie

InfluencerCash: $50 per YouTube Upload

Tap2Earn: BBB Alert Against It

Is My Adds Up A Scam?

My Adds Up not necessarily a Scam, but the structure of revenue share programs is not sustainable and reliable.  So I would not recommend My Adds Up to anyone.

There are many revenue share companies that come and go and My Adds Up is one of them. It’s very strange on the part of My Adds Up, it’s claiming 154% Guaranteed income.

There is no guarantee that you will profit from revenue sharing companies, heck there is no guarantee you will make any money from it.

My Adds Up trying to lure people by giving high payouts so that more and more people join it, but it is very clear from some complaints that this revenue sharing program also not going to work.

If it’s really working and giving 154% guaranteed earnings, there should not be people complaining about not receiving their $10 or 20.

Also, it is questionable, how is it possible for any company which is registered just few months before, can pay its members $3083799.85.

Also, payment processors like Payeer and Perfect Money are not as popular and secure as Paypal.  It is also important to remember that Paypal has stopped services to revenue sharing companies for their unsustainable business module.

If Paypal stopped working with revenue sharing companies, so should you.

Rather than wasting your time on another system that does not deliver, why not take a look at My # 1 Recommendation below.


It is the platform where I am working for the last few years and learned about online marketing.  But if you want to earn legitimate money, you need to commit to this program.

Legitimate Opportunities Requires Legitimate Effort

Making Money Online is much like any other business, which requires hard work, Patience, and Persistence.

The people who fail online is because of their wrong mindset.  People who do not want to work hard, or they want to put in little or no effort to get the results.

The business module which I highly recommend is not a get rich scheme.  You need to work hard and work hard consistently.  This is the method which has succeeded in the past and will be successful in the future years also.  It is a time-proven method.


Why I am so sure about this program?

I like to recommend my readers those programs/ products which will add value to their life, and I am sure you will thank me for introducing this program to you!

It is Free to Join

The most important thing that it is free to join, you do not need to pay a single dime while joining.  And I would also like you to go through the Starter Membership, see whether this program is for you.  Take full advantage of Starter Membership and if it suits you, Go Premium!

The Support is amazing

When you are building an online business, sometimes it becomes lonely.  You need encouragement and support from others.  this platform has an inbuilt support system in the form of an amazing community of more than 1.5+ members.  Live chat, PM, Blog are some of the ways to communicate and get support from the community.

Beginner Friendly

When I joined this platform I was totally unaware of the technical stuff and had very little to no experience working online.  But the platform is for anyone who wants to build an online business.

One-Stop Destination for becoming Successful Online

Most of the tools and training which one needs to be successful are available on the platform, so you do not need to go elsewhere for any further additional services.  You can easily Build and prosper your online business Under ONe Roof.


The platform teaches you the most popular earning method of online marketing i.e. affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is a very legit and sure way of earning money online, but the success depends on you.  The success is proportionately related to the hard work you put in your work.

Lastly, I have personally been with the platform

I personally working on this platform for the last few years, and I am really lucky to find this platform.  It is one of the most advanced platforms online and most importantly, the environment within the community is very helping, caring and encouraging!

Since it is free to join, I highly recommend you to check out this program.

create-your-free-account button

I hope the Review of My Adds Up has helped you to make an informed decision.

Don’t hesitate to share it with whoever you believe will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP! ?

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best 🙂


My Adds Up




Value for Money


Earning Potential




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