Tsu Social MLM Review

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Content creation, social network platform, and MLM sounds a little weird, isn’t it? But that’s the reality of network marketing.  Till now, we have seen many products that were promoted through MLM module, but I have seen the first time that any social network platform is relaunching itself through the MLM module. Tsu is relaunching itself by providing content creators with a way to monetize their content.  It’s really a good concept.  But can you make money promoting your content through the MLM module, let’s find out in this Tsu MLM Review.

What is Tsu MLM?


Tsu is a social network that was first launched in 2014 and closed down in 2016.  Now it is taken over by the Terracap Group, a real estate group of $1.5 Billion equity.

Larry Krauss is the CEO of the Terracap Group and Larry has very promising plans for Tsu, making it a competition for Facebook.  If we check the history of Tsu, it had some unbelievable explosive growth like One Million Users in 5 Weeks.

One of the major reasons Tsu was so popular was its revenue sharing module, sharing almost 90% of revenue with its members.  It also turned out to be the major debacle, resulting in its closing down.  The business model was not sustainable as most of the posts were spammy and just intended to earn some quick bucks.

John Acunto, the current CEO  talked about new features, about the new business model, and he betrayed, that countless celebrities will join the social network. Some of them like @rayj, @sommerray @hitmaka and @karencivil are already on the board.

That seems to be true when I checked the Tsu Instagram account.

The Tsu MLM Opportunity

Tsu with a tagline of “Social That Pays” no doubt looks promising, but why it needs to be an MLM module, is beyond my understanding.

You can’t join Tsu directly, it is strictly an invite-only platform.  It reminded me of Webtalk, also an invite-only platform, and was claiming to be competition for Facebook.

First of all, it’s not really easy to compete with Facebook and if you make it invite-only, it going to be tough for Tsu.

Now let’s discuss the Tsu MLM model.  It is free to join Tsu but you need an invite to join Tsu social network.  It says that it is going to share 50% of its revenue with its member.

You need to post original content and the more views you will get, the more revenue you will generate.  It’s the simple method that Tsu is following.

When you invite a new member(A) you will get 1/3 of his revenue, and when that person invites another person(B), you will get 1/9 and B gets 1/3.

So basically, the earlier you join, the better chances to generate more revenue.

Can You Make Money with Tsu Social?

Tsu social, just relaunched and it’s very difficult to say whether you will be able to make money with Tsu.  From the primary information, it is clear that Tsu is going to share 50% of its revenue with its member.  It makes it more complicated, just like Webtalk, where you are not sure exactly what amount you will get paid.

It will always be fluctuating on the number of members that join Tsu or deactivating or remain idle on the platform.

It’s a good feature of Tsu that you will get paid for every content that you post For ex.photo, video, or written content.  But unless it’s get operating, nothing can be said.

I personally would not prefer any MLM model, because your earnings always depend on your downline and how active they are.

If for any reason, your downlink is not active or leaves the platform, your earnings affected instantly.


Backed by the Terracap Group:

Terracap Group is an established brand with a 30-year legacy and $1.5 billion in intelligent real estate investment.  They have some very aggressive plans for Tsu social network and that can be a huge advantage for the Tsu.

50% Revenue Sharing:

Unlike in the past, Tsu has revamped its revenue sharing from 90% to 50% to its members.  Tsu also paying attention to Spam content through its Spam prevention tool.

Good Reputation:

Even though Tsu was closed in 2016, it volunteered many social causes.  One of them was “Make A Wish” for more than 10,000 children with life-threatening medical conditions.

Miami, FL — Tsū.co, an invite-only social media platform that pays royalties to users for the content they create, was honored by Make-A-Wish Southern Florida as its “Media Partner of the Year” at a recent donor appreciation event at Jungle Island.

The social network, which has more than four million users, was recognized for helping the nonprofit organization reach new audiences and monetize the content it produces. To date, the regional Make-A-Wish chapter has gained nearly 25,000 followers, been the beneficiary of several wish-related promotions, and raised more than $2,500 by sharing its photos, videos, and web links via Tsū.co.


Invite Only:

Tsu Social was and still is a invite-only platform, which will limit the earnings of the people, who joined it late.  It is an MLM module, which benefits only up to certain levels.

So once people realize it, they will stop joining Tsu.

Unstable Earning :

Since Tsu made it clear that it will share 50% of its revenue with its member, it will be always unstable earning as your earning will always depend on the members and ads Tsu receive.

Is Tsu Social a Scam?

Tsu is a social network company and established itself as a legit and quality brand over the years.  It is definitely not a Scam.  But the MLM module is such that, unless you create your own downline, earnings will be limited.

Most of your success will be dependent on your team members, who joined under you.  Unless they are active and creating some really quality content that generates thousands of views, your earning is again very restricted.

It is a proven fact that it’s very hard to earn with MLM, only a few at the top strata earns a substantial income.

It is also important to note that many users already started complaining about their mobile app that keeps on crushing.  It seems that many android users with 5.1 version are not able to download it.

Recommended Read:

Why multilevel marketing won’t make you rich

3 Mind-Blowing Statistics About MLMS

Other MLM Reviews:

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Tsu is a social network company and it runs like any other MLM module, though the good thing is Tsu is offering a good 50% commission.  Still, you need to further investigate about MLM module, if you really want to join one.

The good thing is you can post any content like images, videos, and web-links.  It will be interesting to watch how greatly it helps in SEO by creating backlinks on Tsu.

I would not recommend Tsu if your intention is to create an income source by posting a blog or videos on social networks.  It will harm your income source if for any reason it closes down as it already happened with Tsu.

If you want to make your own money by creating content, start your own business by checking out my #1 recommendation. You’ll get all the tools you need including a website, hosting, training, and 24/7 support.







Overall Quality



  • Backed by Terra cap Group
  • 50% Revenue Sharing
  • Free To Join


  • Invite Only Platform
  • MLM Module
  • Uncertain earnings

2 thoughts on “Tsu Social MLM Review”

  1. A couple of corrections:
    This is no longer a MLM. You earn a pay rate of 50% on the ad revenue generated by the content you share.
    You earn 10% of the revenue on people you refer to the platform. This comes out of the Tsu side.
    You earn a pay rate of 50% of the affiliate fee for transactions through the Tsu Storefront in your profile.
    Your revenue will be based on the content you share. If you post consistent, good content that is consumed by your followers, you will generate revenue.


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