Cutco MLM Review

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MLM companies promote their products and scheme through different legit and through shady practices as well.  First of all, it is important to remember that an MLM or Pyramid scheme itself is not a legit way to make money.  No doubt MLM is popular, but I found that very few people actually do any research before joining MLM, and unfortunately fall prey to these companies.  In this Cutco MLM Review, I will discuss many facets of Cutco, that you should be careful of before joining it.

What is Cutco MLM?

Cutco is a US-based company that makes cutlery and kitchen accessories, and its specialty is selling knives.   It was founded in 1949, and it was previously a division of ALCOA.  Cutco products are now sold through Vector Marketing Company.

Cutco sells its products mainly through network marketing and its prime target is college students.  Cutco presents this opportunity by saying that college students can make $12-20 an hour with zero experience or without GED.

This entices college students but once they enroll in for these summer jobs, they find it extremely hard to sell these products.

cutco mlm review- negative remarks by users

Are Cutco Products Worth Their Price?

Cutco products are pricey compare to their counterparts.  But the issue with Cutco is not only its price but the quality itself.

Cutco sells its products mainly through its “life long guarantee” and “free life long sharpening” sales pitch.

But you will find many negative reviews about its low quality on many forums like Quora:

so it’s very clear that many buyers are not happy with its quality.

Many also complain that Cutco Knives are very shiny because it uses Chromium, which is not safe for many reasons. 

The Cutco MLM Opportunity

Cutco offers you an opportunity to earn a commission by selling its products through direct selling.   In short, you have to sell these products to your near and dear ones.  You need to give a presentation of Cutco products in your friend circle or your relatives.

You get paid around $12-$20 an hour for the presentation, but that too if you do not make any sale.  But I have shared the screenshot above, and the experience is definitely not pleasant.

Many also complain that Cutco hides important issues from you at the time o joining like you need to sell products to friends, though Cutco denies the fact, as per my investigation Cutco demands the list of 50 members including your friends.

Cutco contact your relatives and friends through social media like Facebook without your consent, This is a total encroachment on anyone’s privacy.

Cutco overhyped the money you make with it, it’s not easy to make money with MLMs.  So it is up to you if you want to join Cutco.

How Much Does It Cost to Join Cutco?

Joining Cutco is completely free, but it is recommended to buy a starter kit that will cost you hundreds of dollars.  For demonstration purposes, you need to buy your own kit.

Also do not forget the hidden cost like traveling, you have to travel to and fro for selling the Cutco products.

Can You Make Money with Cutco?

Cutco is an MLM company and its target is college students who always in need of some extra bucks.  Now can these college students able to buy the starter kit of $200-$300 to get started?  Even if they manage somehow the initial amount, they only get $15 per presentation.  If they make sales and the commission exceeds $15, they are not liable to get $15, but only their commission.

Cutco demands every person you know, and you have to give them details like phone number and name of at least 50 persons.  The next thing you need to do is call each one of them and ask for a presentation.  If you are not comfortable with it, you will hardly make any money.

Cutco works like more phone calls = more money to you.

It is important to remember these things while working with Cutco:

  • You have to pay $200-$300 to get started.
  •  You have to annoy friends and family.
  •  You get tiny 5%-10% commissions.


Established company

Cutco is an established company and a brand in itself.  It was started in 1949, so it makes easy somewhat to sell Cutco products.

Lifetime Guarantee:

Cutco offers a lifetime guarantee on all its products, and also a lifetime re-sharpening service, it can be a really good selling point.

Wide Range of Products:

Cutco comes with a range of knives, kitchen accessories, so you are not limited to buy just knives from Cutco.  It has a wide variety of products.


No Paid Training:

Cutco offers basic training to all its representatives, but it is not a paid training, other than that you have to pay for traveling yourself.

Guilt Feeling:

The fact that Cutco is selling products over-priced, and not of the best quality, you may develop a guilt feeling selling these products to your friends and family members.

Cutco approaches your social circle unethically:

As I mentioned earlier, Cutco makes you write down 50 names of your friends and family members.  Apart from you making them calls for presentation, Cutco invades their privacy and contact them without your knowledge.

Beware of BBB Complaints against it:

You will find many complaints against Cutco on BBB.  There are many complaints regarding product not received, to Cutco or Vector Marketing company refusing to sell the products according to their catalog price.  Either they say that was a typo mistake or flatly refuse the catalog price.

Is Cutco a Scam?

Cutco is not a scam but it’s an MLM company that has its own modus operandi.  MLMs try to rope you in with the promise of helping you develop confidence and interpersonal skills while making money.

In the name of personal development, you end up doing a ton of work, that is beyond the capacity of a young 17-year college student.

Today with the exponential growth of Internet, you can definitely find better work that will pay you more than Cutco.

Other MLM Reviews:

Tupperware MLM Review

Youngevity MLM Review

Recommended Read:

Why multilevel marketing won’t make you rich

3 Mind-Blowing Statistics About MLMS


Cutco is a well-established company for knives and kitchen accessories. But it has many complaints against it, which is a clear indication that one can not make money with Cutco.

Cutco does not hesitate to encroach your and your loved one’s privacy to sell their product.  It has many hidden costs that Cutco is not transparent with its representatives.

If you want to make your own money by selling products, start your own business by checking out my #1 recommendation. You’ll get all the tools you need including a website, hosting, training, and 24/7 support.  It’s a system where you really can’t go wrong.







Overall Quality



  • Well Established Company
  • Lifetime Guarantee
  • Wide Variety Of Products


  • No Paid Training
  • Many BBB Compalints
  • Unethically Approaches Your Social Circle

2 thoughts on “Cutco MLM Review”

  1. The pop up frequency is very annoying. Just my personal taste. The only reason I still linger on your site is because I want to find good opportunities. If you did not have so many pages full of valuable info, I would’ve left after the second time the pop up appears. My suggestion is to set it at once a day per IP and not to pop up after the visitor closed it until the next day. I am a web developer and Google Adsense earner. Not a Guru but I have some experience.


    • Thanks Henti for your kind words:)and let me know that pop-ups are disturbing my readers. I will try to make the changes as you suggested. And you are really searching for good opportunities then go for Wealthy Affiliate, no brainer!



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