Top 5 Books on How to Publish A Book for Kindle

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Kindle has become a household name and the unlimited opportunities it offers not only to read e-books but to write and publish your own e-book is astonishing.  Writing your own book for Amazon can create a source of passive income for you.  Many of you have appreciated my last article on Best Way to Make Passive Income- Kindle where I have discussed many free and paid resources for writing your book for Kindle.  You will also find many books on Amazon itself which can really help you to get started.  Here are my top 5 recommendations for books on how to publish a book for Kindle.

Image Name Price Buy
Explore the capabilites of kindle Explore The Capabilities of Kindle by D’vorah Lansky $$$ Check the Latest Price
how to write and publish Write Your Book on the Side by Hassan Osman $$ Check the Latest Price
sesan oguntade-publish books on amazon kdp How to Publish Books on Amazon KDP $$$ Check the Latest Price
D'vorah Lansky-5 ways to create content for kindle Five Ways to Create Content for Kindle $$$ Check the Latest Price
jamie dixon-overcome and get it done Overcome And Get It Done $$$ Check the Latest Price

Our Favorite Books on Publish A Book for Kindle Reviews

#1. Explore the Capabilities of Kindle

Explore the capabilites of kindle
Product Details  
Language English
File Size 583 KB
Text to Speech Enabled
Screen Reader Enabled
Print Length 29 pages
Price $$$ (Check the latest price)
Our rating 9.5/10
Explore the Capabilities of Kindle, is a take action guide by D’vorah.  This Kindle book is very helpful if you want a “how-to” type guide.  It has clearly laid down all the necessary steps that you should take to write a book for Kindle.

D’vorah has explained many different ways to create content for Kindle other than the traditional ways.

The book is very useful for anyone but especially for bloggers, as she has explained many ways to transform and convert articles, blog posts, and recorded content into Kindle books or into a Kindle book series.

This book also reveals many of the marketing tips after you publish your book for Kindle.  So if you are thinking of creating a book for kindle, then this book should be on your priority list.

#2. Write Your Book on the Side

how to write and publish
Product Details  
Language English
File Size 887 KB
Text to Speech Enabled
Screen Reader NA
Print Length 110 pages
Price $$$ (Check the latest price)
Our rating 9/10
As the name suggests, Write Your Book on the Side is to help you if you think you don’t have enough time to write a book.

The author has shown many simple ways to create content instantly.  Various topics are discussed in the book which will simplify the process for publishing a book.

The book has been Amazon’s Best Seller in the Nonfiction, Authorship, and Business Writing categories.

#3. How to Publish Books on Amazon KDP

sesan oguntade-publish books on amazon kdp
Product Details  
Language English
File Size 2620 KB
Text to Speech Enabled
Screen Reader NA
Print Length 44 pages
Price $$$ (Check the latest price)
Our rating 8/10
How to Publish Books on Amazon KDP, is a picture guide on the subject and has discussed many topics.

Creating a good Kindle book involves many important steps like creating an eye-catching book cover, formatting your content, and so on.  The author has discussed all these steps in great detail which can be useful for anyone.

#4. Five Ways to Create Content for Kindle

D'vorah Lansky-5 ways to create content for kindle
Product Details  
Language English
File Size 546 KB
Text to Speech Enabled
Screen Reader Supported
Print Length 22 pages
Price $$$ (Check the latest price)
Our rating 8/10
In this short book, D’vorah has explained many ways to create content for Kindle books.

* Blog Post or Article-Based Kindle Books
* Course Content-Based Kindle Books
* Interview-Based Kindle Books
* Top Tips Kindle Books
* Kindle Book Series

You will be pleasantly surprised by how many types of books you can create for Kindle.




#5. Overcome And Get It Done

jamie dixon-overcome and get it done
Product Details  
Language English
File Size 2134 KB
Text to Speech Enabled
Screen Reader Supported
Print Length 59 pages
Price $$$ (Check the latest price)
Our rating 8/10
Perfectionism and procrastination, we all struggle with them, isn’t it?  It’s very interesting to read how the author and his friend challenged themselves to finish something within 24 hours that was prolonged for many years.

Definitely, a must-read to overcome procrastination and get done.




E-books are becoming popular ever than before for their usability and accessibility on any device.  Kindle is no exception, in fact, Amazon holds almost more than 60% of e-books.  

Kindle is a part of Amazon and therefore there are many benefits of publishing books on it.   If you are thinking of creating an e-book I would recommend first to read related books on Amazon itself.  You will find many books that are really helpful in the process.

You will also notice that most of the writers have more than one book on Amazon because Kindle books are easy to access for its readers and create a source of passive income for the authors.

The best part about publishing a Kindle book is the readily available market place on Amazon. Once the book is published on Amazon it is available on all Amazon storefronts, so no doubt you get huge visibility.  Not only that you can write more than 34 languages on Kindle if you wish to.  So you can also translate your book and publish it on Kindle as altogether a new book.

But Amazon has made it very simple by giving access to Kindle for free.  You can access Kindle books on its cloud-based platform or you can download the Kindle app on Playstore or App store.

If you have an Amazon account, you can easily avail Kindle on your device.  Check here for more details.

The best part is Amazon offers a 30 day free trial for Kindle and you don’t have to be an Amazon Prime member to avail Kindle subscription.  In your free trial, you can download 10 titles at a time.  So you can read most of the above books for free.

I would definitely recommend to give a try to create your own Kindle book,  it’s easier than you think.

I hope this article is helpful to you and if you have any questions or suggestions pl let me know in the comments below.

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