Should You Take WA Black Friday Offer?

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Black Friday is almost like a festive season on the Internet. Everyone is ready to grab some great Black Friday deals.  Wealthy Affiliate is offering Black Friday Deal as well.  Should you take this Black Friday Offer by Wealthy Affiliate?  What’s the main take away for you from this black friday sale 2018.

Wealthy Affiliate is an established online platform which is started back in 2005, completed 12+ years in an online business.

I am a WA member from last two years, and every year I take this Black Friday offer, so from a consumer’s point of view, I would like to highlight some important points you should take into consideration before taking any black Friday offer.

1. Value for Money

WA Black Friday offer is available only once in a year, and it gives you an almost 50% discount on your annual membership.  The Annual membership of Wealthy Affiliate is $588 a year is available only for $299 during this Black Friday sale.  So first and foremost is a huge saving of $289!

Ultimately you end up paying just 0.80 per day and $25 per month and in return have a look at what you will get :

  • 25 free websites + 25 free subdomains + free hosting for all your 50 sites
  • Free SSL certificates for all of your 50 sites
  • Free Keyword Research Toool – Jaaxy – only avilable to the WA members.
  • Free Training of almost 100+ hours
  • Free Live Wabinars by Jay Every Week
  • Earn while Learn Opportunity
  • Great Community Support by 24×7
  • Great Site Support by 24×7
  • Live Chat available 24×7
  • Direct access to Kyle and Carson – Co-founders of Wealthy Affiliate

If you count the individual cost of all the above services offers by other platforms, you end up paying thousands of dollars per month.  So Wealthy Affiliate’s Black Friday Offer is the most cost-effective way to save my money, at the same time build my business on a most advanced platform on the Internet

I know no platform which offers you so cost-effective way to build your online business,

If you just glance at the last year’s updates that are rolled out in Wealthy Affiliate, you understand what I mean.

Most Up to Date Platform

Site Content Images – Over a million free images available at the touch of a button in Site Content while you’re creating your posts.

SiteSpeed – at no extra cost, Carson improved our SiteSpeed. All we have to do is toggle a switch.

Site SSL – Free Security certificates (https) for all Premium Member sites (Siterubix and privately owned domains).

Site Comments 2.0 – We now have a way to earn money by leaving quality comments on member sites.

Mobile Friendly – Wealthy Affiliate just went mobile. Woohooo!

Jaaxy Integration:

Jaaxy is a Keyword Research Tool, available only for Wealthy Affiliate Members.  Now Jaaxy is integrated with Wealthy Affiliate platform and the Jaaxy Lite version is available for free to all premium members.  Jaaxy has pro and Enterprise version also, with some advanced features.  Before Jaaxy Lite, WA has Keyword Research Tool for all its members for free, instead now Jaaxy lite is available across the board.

Live WAbinars

Live Wabinars are the USP of WA training, and every week Jay offers his specialized live wabinars on one of the Internet Marketing topics.  All these video trainings are with no added cost and included in annual membership. This January, WA amplified video technologies for the benefit of its members and now it’s possible to watch live webinars on any device which adapts to the capacity of your device and provides seamless video telecast.

Super Affiliate Challenge:

Super Affiliate Challenge was started in January 2018, to give training to selected members of WA.  It’s aa 12-month extensive training module which gives a step by step training to the members.  The training is provided by Kyle, the co-founder of the WA.

It’s a sheer awesome opportunity to learn from super affiliates themselves, and know how this affiliate marketing module works under all these Super Affiliates is an experience in itself.

While other platforms charge their affiliates to attain their super conference, WA is one platform which offers its members free training on how to become super affiliate and top of the cherry is you get invited to Super Affiliate Conference held at Las Vegas, and that’s too fully paid! How awesome is that!

Still the project is going on but you can have a look at the kind of training is provided to WA members:

Super Affiliate Challenge

 == >Super Affiliate Challenge <==


Success at Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate provides you A to Z training on Internet marketing with no extra cost.  All training is available to all premium members and every member take advantage of this training and become successful on the different platform on the Internet.

Dom posted his success story in

I Never Really Expected To Build A Million Dollar Company

I’m Claiming Bragging Rights

How To Establish Yourself As An Online Influencer

How to Earn Money from Blogs (before you have significant traffic)

There are many WA members who become a writer and published their books on Amazon,

Calling all ‘Amazon’ published Authors

You will read hundreds of success story on WA Platform.

Plethora of Training

One of the most significant USP of Wealthy Affiliate is its training.

The Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) training is a 5 phase (50 lessons) series of courses walking you through the process of creating and growing a business within absolutely ANY niche that you want.

The Affiliate Bootcamp training is a 7 Phase (70 lessons) series of courses walking you through the process of creating and establishing a business in a niche related to the promotion of Wealthy Affiliate.

Apart from this, every week Live Wabinar by Jay is a huge learning asset for anyone who wants to learn the intricacies of Internet Marketing.

Training by WA members: Every WA member, after completing 3 months as a premium member, entitled to create trainings for the community and share his knowledge with the huge 1.6 million community, in return he gets remunerated for it.

Honestly, I have been WA member for last two years, but still, I have not completed all the training available on WA platform!  and I seriously doubt, if there is any one single member who has completed all the pieces of training on WA platform.

Final Thoughts

So should you take this Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Deal?  Honestly, I think everyone who is serious enough about his online business, must not miss this opportunity.  Wealthy Affiliate is one stop shop for your online business as it gives you all the tools and training from websites, hosting, keyword research tool, site security, site support, site speed, domains, platforms like site comment and site feedback.

But you must act fast, as this Black Friday Offer is available only for a limited time from 23 rd Nov- 26th of November.  and the best part of the offer is that once you have taken this deal, every year you are grandfathered for the same price, for a lifetime.

It’s a huge benefit as you do not have to worry about price inflamation and currency fluctuations.


Wealthy Affiliate makes this event a special by offering a huge bonus to all of them who go premium on Black Friday.  What are the other bonus you will get

  • Bonus #1: The 7 Factor “Secret Sauce” (Live Class Hosted by Kyle)
  • Bonus #2: The Secret Sauce, The White Paper.
  • Bonus #3: Creating a Lucrative Niche Website in 2019 (5 Weeks of Live Training)
  • Bonus #4: Early Beta Access to Yearly Members

I think these bonuses are so special, that you must not miss this opportunity.


Bonus on My Part

With all these, I would like to offer some bonus from my side.  First 5 who sign up for this Black Friday Deal, will get some special Live WAbinars, which is available only for Premium members of Wealthy Affiliate.

Social Media is a huge and one of the major platform is Facebook so here is yours 5 Live Wabinars to learn all about Facebook







So, Sign up now and get these bonus and I will meet you inside Wealthy Affiliate.

should you take the wa friday offer

Black Friday Offer is live from 23rd Nov. but you can create your Starter account now, and get the first-hand information when the Black Friday Offer goes live.

create-your-free-account button

If you any questions or queries about Black Friday Offer, or Wealthy Affiliate, let me know in the comment section below, I will be glad to guide you in the right direction.

2 thoughts on “Should You Take WA Black Friday Offer?”

  1. Hi,

    This is a great opportunity that you have presented here. It is good to know that there is a lot that we can get in this WA Affiliate. I am also excited with the thought of earning while learning.
    Your article is truly a help to those people like me looking for opportunities to earn and it is a plus to learn.

    • Yes Joyce,
      Wealthy Affiliate is a unique platform which gives you all in one platform to establish yourself as a business owner and provide ample opportunities to earn while you learn all these intricacies of an online world. It is also an added benefit that you are locked at $299 if you take this Black Friday Deal.
      There are a ton of benefits of WA membership, but for me, it’s really important that WA is a totally spam free community with no upsells.



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