What is SEO in Content – 8 Simple Tips to Do It

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how to seo your contet
Content Optimization or SEO for content is an important factor for getting higher rank in Search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo an so on.  Without proper content SEO, it’s highly impossible that your content will show up in SERP.  A simple reason for is tons of content get published daily in search engines.  On a daily basis, thousands of pieces of content are ready to publish on search engines.  With around 4 billion people searching for their queries and solutions, it’s really a tough job for search engines to find out suitable content that addresses the audiences’ query. SEO plays a huge role in showing your content in SERP, whenever a relevant query appears.


What is Content SEO?

Content SEO has two terms in it – Content and SEO.  As we all know the content is king.  A good quality content has always a greater chance to rank in the search engines.  But the irony of search engines is without proper content optimization, a good piece of content also get lost in the SERP.

Types of Content

Content can be of different types- blog posts, e-books, infographics, videos, podcasts, images and so on.  All these forms of content need to be optimized for the best results.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), is the process of applying certain guidelines laid down by Google to your content so that it can be easily found by search engines.  When the content is optimized by these guiding principles, which in turn, helps to both- search engines and audiences, it is said that content is optimized or Content SEO.

 Guiding Principles to Content SEO

Among the many guidelines, one of the main guidelines is proper keyword Research.

1.Keyword Research

Keyword Research is not limited only to find out low hanging keywords, traffic, and competition.  Keyword Research is mainly related to the psychology of your users.  You should know who your users are, what they are looking for.  Once you know your audience, it is quite easy to cater them with their solutions and queries.

keyword optimisation

2.Keyword Optimization

Once you found a good keyword, you should properly optimize it for your content creation.  As a rule of thumb, you should include your keyword in the title of your post, in the first paragraph and at the end of your post.

Nowadays, using keyword only in the title is getting popular, but to be at a safer side, it is always better to use in your first lines and an ending paragraph.  Apart from this, it is better to write the content naturally and avoid keyword stuffing.

3.Meta Title

Meta Title is the title that shows up in the SERP ( Search Engine Result Page), Your blog post title can be different from your meta title.

You can add this SEO at the end of your post.  If you are using AIO plugin the image in SERP looks like this.

4.Meta Description

Meta Description is the little snippet that will show up in the SERP, below Meta Title.  It is your best chance to grab the attention of your viewers to click on your link and send them to your website.  Writing your own meta description is always advisable, as against Google fetching some irrelevant description for your blog post.

Writing your own meta description is quite easy.  Just remember to add your keyword, small description within 150 characters of your blog how it solves a particular problem or what is your blog is all about.

Read more on Meta Description

5. Alt tag within an image

Image optimization is also a very important aspect of On Page SEO.  The alt and title attributes of an image are commonly referred to as alt tag or alt text and title tag – even though they’re not technically tags. … The alt tag is used by screen readers, which are browsers used by visually impaired people, to tell them what is on the image.

While writing an alt tag it is important to remember to write it for your readers and not only for search engines.  Provide people with a relevant description of the image, so that they can understand what the image is all about.

6. Internal Linking

Internal linking is linking one page of your website to another page of your website.  It is important from the SEO point to internally link your web pages, as it helps the search engines idea of the structure of your website.  It also helps to establish the hierarchy of the website.

For the users, it gives them a better navigation option.  It also shows your authority on a particular subject, if you add related pages with internal linking.

Read More on Internal Linking

7. External Linking

A link to a page outside domain or website is External Link.  if another website links to you, this is considered an external link to your site. Similarly, if you link out to another website, this is also considered an external link.  Commonly, these are used to verify facts, backup sources, or simply point people toward resources.

8.Site Comments

Site comments are also an important part for ranking your page in Search engines.  Site comments allow your reader to share their thoughts, give an opinion and ask a question about the post.  It encourages communication with readers.  From SEO point, it is important to have comments on your blog, as it shows Google, that the post is popular and the reader engages with the content.

The more comments you have on your blog, higher the chances to get ranked in the search engines, as Google makes it clear that the comments also a part of your content.  Apart from this, you can get ranked in the search engines through comments, as it may include many keywords in it.

Read More On Site Comments

Premium Only webinar – On Page SEO

Wealthy Affiliate conducts Weekly WAbinars on different topics of Online Marketing every Friday by Jay. These WAbinars are only for Premium Members of WA.  A very important WAbinar on On-Page SEO Primer.

On Page SEO Primer WAbinar

On Page SEO Primer WAbinar


Content SEO is the most important part of any kind of content, blog post, videos, e-book or infographics.  Without proper keyword research and Keyword optimization, it’s really difficult to rank content in Search Engines.  Content SEO is quite easy if you understand the basic concepts and apply them to your website.

The Above On Page elements must be added to every content, to get ranked in Search Engines.  Hey Friens, what’s your opinion on Content SEO and have I missed any of the element of Content SEO, Or do you add any other element to get ranked in search engines.  Pl let me know in the comments below,

5 thoughts on “What is SEO in Content – 8 Simple Tips to Do It”

  1. Hey there,

    As an online marketer I know how important on-page SEO is. Your explanation is thorough and the tips you give are useful. Thanks for this guide!

    • Thanks Asen
      SEO is the most important thing for any online venture, and particularly for blogs, SEO implementation is a must. I am glad that you like my On page SEO Tips and hope that you will apply in your SEO strategy.


  2. Great info and very nicely constructed page Shubhaangi, but I was confused under the heading meta-title, ” If you are using AIO plugin the image in SERP looks like this.” Looks like what ? Also is ” Read more on Meta Description” meant to be another heading or a link ??


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