SEO Your Ecommerce Business

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From the last few days, we are discussing about different angels of Ecommerce and how could it benefit you.  The most important part of this series is how to SEO your ecommerce businees.

SEO plays a huge role in getting your business online and giving the visibility to your store.  Search Engine Optimization is a must for your Ecommerce Business.

What is SEO for Ecommerce Business?

Search Engine Optimization for your ecommerce businesss means optimizing every product on your ecommerce shop.  Though it might look like time consuming process to optimize every product, but it can not be neglected as seo can give a huge benefit by giving it visibility and reach to the maximum peopl searching for your product.

Who needs SEO for Ecommerce Business?

Every ecommerce shops on the net needs seo for his business, as without it your business does not exst on the internet.  Every single e commerce business owner who want sales and reach to the millions of people who are searching product reviews and spending hours on researching and fininging the good product, would not be able to find your shop and services without proper optimization of your busineess.

Today when most of the people [refer to shop online, search for good products and services on the net.  So even if you have a best of ecommerce shop and services to offer, without ooptimization it’s really difficult to reach to these millions of perople.

Why Your Business need SEO for Ecommerce Business?

As dropshipping is gaining popularity, competition in the ecommerce is increasing daily.  And chances are most of the businesss owners also buy the products from the same vendor.  So you need to stand out by doing proper optimizing your products.

Optimizing products make it more visible on the SERP and directs more traffic to your business.  Optimizing products by relevant keywords and relevant description attracts the targeted audience to your site.  The more targeted your traffic is more sales and conversion to your products.

So optimization your products means relevant products to relevant audience = more sales.

When you should do SEO for Ecommerce Business?

Ecommerce Business needs much advertizing to reach the different audience. Without marketing your ecommerce business it would be really difficult to generate any sales.

So it’s the best to start optimizating your store as soon as you start or rather before starting your ecommerce business.  so from the first day of your business you target your audinece.

Where you should promote your Ecommerce Business?

The most important way to promote your Ecommerce Business is through Social Media Channels.  Social media plays a blg role today to give you recognition and build your brand on the Internet.

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or any other social media platform which is relevant to your niche or your ecommerce businees, you should try to levarage that platform to expand your business.

You tube is a huge social effect today to  give you a visibility and create your brand on the internet.  You can create different kinds of video to promote your business.

Types of videos you can create to promote your business.

Youtube Intro Videos

Introuductory videos

In these videos you can introuduce yourself and your products to your audience.  These introductroy videos can build up your brand and introduce yourself as an authority in your product related niche.  You can promote any product and can become an authority in any niche.

About the Business Videos:

You can crate the videos about your business and how your business and product can solve the problems of your audience.  How you want to help the people and all the information you want to give to your audience can be shared by these videos.

product demo videos

these are very popular kind of videos on youtube,  You can demonstrante your products on youtube and give possible information about the product, how it is useful, how it can solve the problem of your audience and how it can help them to save money and time, share this information through product demo videos.

product unboxing videos

You can market your new products through thise product unboxing videos, and at the same time propogate your new product.  Unboxing videos are indemand on youtube and you can leverage this trend by introducing your product to your audience.  you can shoot a nice video of your product while unboxinng it and introudce the product and details of the product.

How to use the product videos

In these videos you can literally demonstrate your audience how to use the products.  Most of the times people love watching the videos on how to use a specific product or service.  It makes the audience very easy to absorb the information when it is given in a video format.

Testimonial videos

Testimonial videos are the most effective, as most of us tend to believe the recommendations made by people who already have used the product.

When people give positive feedback about the product in a testimonial videos, it has a great impact on the audience.  So you must try to incorporate as many testimonial videos as possible.

Now all these youtube videos also benefit you, if these youtube videos are optimized.  When these optimized videos are ranked on Youtube, it gives more visitors to your ecommerce business and more traffic and sales to your shop.  You tube videos when optimized, also add a link to your business, whic gives you a double benefit of ranking your youtube videos at the same time giving you more trafficc and sales to your Ecommerce Business.

Final Thoughts:

SEo for Ecommerce business is a must now a days, without optimizing your businees it is not possible to get more traffic and sales.  Without SEO, you might build a nice business for yourself and it will going to be a tough to get people know about your new venture and make it successful.

Social Media and Search Engine Optimization plays a huge role today to giving your business a new online presence.  Internet is growing day by day and so the online shoppers.

So to grab this opportunity and spread your business acrosss the net and make it world wide, Search Engine Optimization is a must today.

Hey friends, what do you think about the ecommerce business optimization, I know you might be agree with me but if not pl let me know your thoughts below in the comment section.

Do you have a specific strategy to optimize your business, would like to share your tips with my audience.  Any suggestions, questions are welcome and I will be glad to answer your queries.

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