Best Way to Learn SEO –

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If you are on this page, indicates that you are aware of the importance of SEO, and are interested to learn Search Engine Optimization.

 Let’s see what is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO, means making your Content visible in the search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.  Around 4 billion people search the internet for their problems and try to find the solution.

Now to make your content visible to your targeted audience SEO or Content Optimization is necessary.  Even if you write a great piece of content, it is highly impossible to get it ranked within search engines without optimization.

And today content is not restricted only to blog posts but video, podcasts, e-books, pdf are also included in Content, and so it is best to learn SEO yourself to rank it better in search engines.

<< == Read Here – Benefits of SEO – Why You Must SEO Your Content ==>>

While optimizing content you need to apply above techniques to your content, so that search engines easily track your content and reach to your targeted audience.

When people type a keyword or a query, Google, try best to find most keyword relevant content and shows up in the SERP.  So it is important to know what people are searching and what phrases they are using, once you know these keywords, you can easily optimize these phrases and get ranked in the search engines. in an organic way.

Best WAy to Learn SEO is getting yourself the best SEO training.  There are many platforms online where you can learn SEO.  Some of them are

best way to learn seo is WA


To be frank and honest, I found these classes extremely costly and short of duration.  I would like to suggest the Best online SEO training platform for you.  Have a look at the features, and training available at Wealthy Affiliate

My # No.1 recommendation for Best Way to Learn SEO

Wealthy Affiliate offers SEO training in different formats, like video, blog post, classrooms, training headquarter and live WAbinars.

Live WAbinars

Live Wabinars are the USP of Wealthy Affiliate Training.  Every weekend live webinars are held by jay, and he walks you through the intricacies of SEO.

You can watch these WAbinars live, and every WAbinar is recorded, so if you cannot make it up live you can always watch the replays.


There are more than 300+ recordings are available to all the premium members of the Wealthy Affiliate. As you may have come across that every platform charges heavily to attend their webinars, all WAbinars at WA are free and no extra cost is needed to attend these WAbinars.

No Upsells is another feature of WAbinars at WA.  Generally, at the end of every WAbinar, products are recommended and in most cases, you need to buy that product.  But WA is free from upsells and never recommend any product at the WAbinar.  Useful products and services are recommended but most of the times free services and products suggested.

Also, Special Hot Seats are held to screen the WA members websites from the SEO perspective, where each of the SEO components is discussed and if any, improvement needed, are offered by Jay.

Jay offers his expertise not only on the website but also on niche research, content structure, keyword research and traffic generating methods.

Hot Seats are held every season, and members get benefitted being on Hot Seat.  Every Premium member can apply for the hot seat by filling the required data in a form.

Watch the Hotseat Winter 2018.

Training Headquarters

Training Headquarters are the collection of all the available training in WA from last 12 years, and you can watch any training from it, categorized subject wise like WordPress, SEO, website and so on.



Classrooms are further divisions under Training Headquarter and here you can select training on the basis of different subjects.  Every subject includes training in video, webinar and blog post format.

It is a very useful resource if you want to specialize and follow your training in any particular subject, of course, you are free to complete all the pieces of training from all the divisions.


The most important feature of WA training is that it is most updated and latest on the internet, which is not limited to any time period.  As long as you are a WA member, you can access any piece of training at no extra cost.

You will find many products online which is quite expensive and available only for a short period.

Wealthy Affiliate is very cost effective and charges much lower than all of the above platforms. Here are some pieces of training on SEO.

Jay’s 10 step process on Getting Content to Rank

SEO Tip : Keyword Placement

It Ranked in 21 Minutes

WAbinar : 21 Minute Ranking Method in 7 Steps

You will also find SEO Training by other Senior WA Members, which is very useful for understanding Search Engine Optimization.

How Your Above the Fold Can Affect Your Rankings.

Final Thoughts

Search Engine Optimization is a useful skill and one must learn and understand the SEO process.  But you need to follow a definite training which will help you to learn SEO step by step.

I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate as the Best Online SEO Training Platform, sheer because of its plethora of Training available, with no extra cost.  It is no brainer to that WA is the best way to learn SEO, as you come across many SEO experts on the platform which is readily available to help you if you ever stuck in the process.

create-your-free-account button

Another major reason that I suggest WA for SEO training, is it offers training in the most cost-effective manner.  Whereas many online platforms charge huge fees just for the 3 to 6 months of training, WA gives the training in half of the cost offered by many, and that is one time charges for the year.

You have access to all the training modules and not only SEO training.  Once you are a WA member, you can access all the training available on the platform without any extra cost.  I think it is the best way to learn all about SEO.

If you have any questions, queries about WA SEO Training, pl let me know in the comment below,I will be more than happy to guide you in the right direction.



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