Day 3: Research: Keywords

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Starting your own successful small business is not difficult today, and that we have discussed in my last article.
After doing research on affiliate products yesterday, today we are going to discuss how to research keywords and other different aspects of researching keywords like long-tail vs short-tail keywords, metrics for good keywords, how to use Google to find good keywords, and so on.
In Today’s Wabinar Jay discussed all these steps in detail.  As you know, Wealthy Affiliate is having a 14 Day Back to Back Live Case Study.  Research to Profits in which you will learn all about how to start your own successful small business step by step starting from researching a niche. Read all the details of these live case studies here.
So here is the summary.

Day 3: Research: Keywords

Overview of Researching Keywords

The first and most important thing in finding great keywords that will rank in different search engines like Google is to research.  You want to spend an hour or two, or more if you need to.  Researching keywords on Google, and other available keywords tools.

You can take a pen or paper or start with Google docs and list all your keywords, to keep all the information in one place.

We are going to start with Google autocomplete.  Now what’s Google autocomplete?  It’s just Google search bar. Have you ever noticed that whenever you type a query in Google, it sometimes suggests you other keywords in a dropdown?

dropdowns, what they are?

these are based on recent popular searches because Google is trying to determine related queries for your search.

Google keyword research

The autocomplete section of Google actually just kind of gives a good idea for keyword brainstorming.  If you just starting your website and searching for good keywords, Google can be a good source of information and you can start writing content around it because one I found it on the Google drop down so that’s telling that they are popular.  and if you create content around these keywords, chances are you get ranked for these keywords.

And right now you just want to get content on the site. So like for the first five articles or five to 10 articles, you just want to get the articles out.

Once you have those five to 10, articles, that’s when you would jump in and start doing a little bit more research.

Long Tail vs Short Tail Keywords

In this research phase, you also keep in mind that keywords can be divided into long-tail keywords and short-tail keywords.

As the terms are self-explanatory, short tail keywords are short terms, and one or two-word keywords, where are long-tail keywords are long phrases that people are searching for.

Keyword Metrics to Look for

Generally, long-tail keywords are typically questions like “how to make iced coffee”.  It’s always better to use long-tail keywords because they can rank better.  Since it contains more than two words it is very specific and targetted.

A simple formula that works is “over 100 search volume. And under 100 QSR”. More searches per month and less competition.

Commercial Intent Keywords

When you research for your keywords always remember to include commercial and non-commercial keywords.

Commercial keywords are keywords with buying intent and people are ready to buy the product.  Keywords that include ” Best—-for 2022″, product reviews, and buying guides can be included in this category.

That means someone is googling that because they want to buy it, and they want to read it whether it’s any good.

Non-commercial keywords are like how to make, DIY type keywords where the main intention is to provide the information or give detailed instruction about something.  These are typically not with commercial intent.

organize your keyword list.

Number one is you can create a spreadsheet or you can save this data in the same Goole Doc that we have created while niche researching.

If you have a Jaaxy account, you can save all your keywords by creating different lists which you can then export as a CSV or Txt file.  All the data related to the keywords like monthly searches, QSR automatically get saved in the Jaaxy list. Letter L indicates that the keyword is saved in the List.

Try Jaaxy for Free (30 searches)

Additional Resources:

Free Keyword Tools:

Keyword Tool



Doing proper keyword research is crucial for the success of your blog. You need to find out what people are searching for and create content around it.

You can use different tools free and paid like Google, Ubbersuggest and Jaaxy to help you in this process.

You can do keyword research on different metrics, like short tail keywords, long-tail keywords, commercial keywords, non-commercial keywords, and so on.

Once you decide which keywords you are targeting it will be easy to create content around it.  I have discussed all these topics in this article.

Watch Live Wabinar:

Replay of Day 3: Research: Keyword research

As I mentioned above, in Wealthy Affiliate you can learn how to start your own successful small business in a very cost-effective way. This article is a summary of the Day 3 Live WAbinar.

These Wabinars will definitely help all of us to understand the intricacies of starting and running a full-fledged our Own Successful Small Business.

Pricing: Get Premium @$19 Instead Of $49

To get access to these WAbinars you need to sign up for Premium membership & costs $49/mo.

You will get many benefits with this membership like free 10 websites + bandwidth of 500,000 visits, daily website backups, and so on.  If you want to know in detail, click here.

But the best part is if you join WA within 7 days of joining, you will get Premium membership at just $19!

No brainer right, for $19- not only you will watch all these 14 Live Wabinars but have access to all the 500+ recorded WAbinars also and I know you would not like to miss it.

Best Strategy To Save Your Money

So the best strategy that I would recommend to save money is to join WA as a starter member now, see whether the platform suits you, and then join within 7 days to get a huge discount of $32.  Basically, you will get the first month just for $19!

Start Your Own Successful Small Business For Free

The cherry on the top, Black Friday is around the corner and you can save almost 50% on your yearly membership. So not worry to pay monthly and run your business for just Under $2/day!

I am sure you see the great value WA provides to Start Your Own Successful Small Business.  If you have any questions or suggestions pl let me know in the comments below and if you think this article is helpful,  pl share it with your friends and family.

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