Email Marketing – Simple Tips to Grow Your List!(Updated)

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Emails have become a part of our lives.  Most of the communication is held through emails, on the professional level, most of the communication is done through emails.  So, emails have earned a major role in all of our lives.  We all are connected with emails some or the other way.

Emails are the most convenient way to connect with others.  As it is a digital service. it is completely environment-friendly.  You do not use paper or any other material to write.

It goes directly into their inboxes, so you are quite sure that your prospect will surely get your mail and your message.

According to Wikipedia,” Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing.”

How many emails do you get per day?

This question is subjective and the answer may differ from person to person. Many people get hundreds of emails if they are related to any business or a large community or forum.

But even if you get hundreds of emails daily, you can effectively manage it through adding emails under a particular label.

Also, you can report an unwanted email as spam, and it will be processed accordingly.

Lead Magnet

Lead Magnet is an incentive that a buyer offers to a potential customer, in exchange for their email address or any other information.

Lead Magnet is a piece of digital content which can be downloaded, like PDF, Cheatsheet, video, whitepaper, e-book, and so on.

 While creating a Lead Magnet, it is important to keep in mind 4 things.

Solves a real problem: You lead magnet should address their pain points and give a solution to their problem.

Super Specific:  Lead magnet should be very specific to the problem and the solution it is providing.  that way it helps to reach the maximum people.

Quick to digest:  It is important to write your lead magnet in a very simple language and easy to understand to your audience.  If you write a very scholastic artic, who no will understand,  it will have no effect on your audience.

High values:  It is also important to give your audience a real value unless they will not visit your site again.  To retain readers, it is important to provide them quality information, every time you create content.

What is a clean email list?

When we talk about a ‘clean’ email list, we’re referring to a list of valid email addresses, who have engaged with one of your emails within at least the last 6 months.

It is important to clean up your email list, as it can damage your reputation.

The most important question: Is Email Dead?

The simple answer to this question is no, email is not dead, instead, it has opened many doors of opportunities.

With the return of interest around 4400%, email marketing remains the best way to retain and attract customers.

In spite of the growing influence of social media apps, email marketing is still the preferred way of communication.


Now from the above screenshot, it should be clear that email marketing is still very popular.

The popular social media platforms like FB, Instagram and Twitter engagement rate isn’t even 0.6%. Compare that to email’s average open rate of 22.86% and even its click-through rate of 3.71%.

Relevant content is the main issue, as just 14% of subscribers think that the content they receive is useful to them. So it’s really important to see that while creating content, you make it useful from the reader’s point of view.

Simple Tips on  Email Marketing

  1.  The main reason to start email marketing is, though social media platforms are popular today,  doing marketing through social media is never beneficial as you never own your account and can be disappeared, but with email marketing, you retain your list and can contact them anytime.
  2. It is also important to make your email campaigns mobile-friendly as well.   About 67% of consumers use mobile to check their email and since mobile use has steadily overtaken desktop use, that trend is only going to continue.
  3. With GDPR, privacy issues are more important than ever.  Many consumers are happy to share personal information, but 88% of them want transparency about how that information’s used.
  4. Email Marketing is all about subscribers, engage them with storytelling, and make them engage with your content.
  5. With email automation, it may be difficult to stay authentic, but stay true to your subscribers, include personalization, and create valuable content for them.

Is Email Marketing Dead?

Far from being dead, email marketing is alive, well, and increasingly relevant for you to reach audiences across demographics.

Here is a great read on how to turn your subscribers into buyers and grow a six-figure income with email marketing.

300 Email Marketing Tips by Meera Kothand

It’s very useful to read, if you do not know what to send your list every time you want to create a campaign for your readers.

Your Lead Magnet is not doing great and pulls little to know subscribers.

This book will help you to solve these problems, and you will come to know that Email Marketing is not only a List Building.

Here’s what’s packed in this how-to guide:

What branding has to do with email marketing and the #1 thing most solopreneurs ignore when it comes to their email list
7 things your welcome email must do (but probably doesn’t!)
Why your lead magnet has to address THESE two critical points
3 ways to plan your email editorial calendar
Answers to the questions

Recommended Read:

10 Reasons Why You Should Start Email Marketing Immediately

Managing your Email Contact List


Today email marketing is the most convenient form of communication.  The reasons for its popularity being can be accessed directly in inbox, can go through at leisure, and can unsubscribe anytime.

As against the popular belief that email marketing is used for sales and conversion, it can be used to teach and presell your audience.

When you connect with your audience’s pain points and give the solution, conversions go up.  So it is important to write content which is useful and valuable.

Hey Friends,

I know you all must have your autoresponders set, but will you share your some tips with us on how to make email marketing more useful to our readers?

If you have any questions, pls let me know in the comments below, and if you find this blog post helpful, pl share it with your friends and family.

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