How To Scale Your Conversion?

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Scaling the conversion is one of the most important parts of any campaign.  It is important to scale the conversion for more than one reason.  Once you made a sale, it is important to scale and take the conversion to the next level. Once you know how the first sale of occur, it becomes very easy to track that conversion.

As I said earlier Conversion not necessarily mean a sale always, it can be as simple as filling of a form, or sign in for mailing list, watching a video, or clicking on an affiliate link, all these are some examples of conversion.

In simple words, conversion means finding what is working on a particular page or determining how a funnel is working.  We can easily find out all this data through Google Analytics.

How the Concept of Scaling Conversion Works?

To scale your conversion, first, it’s important to find out what pages or posts on your site are working better than others.  Then to find out where this traffic is coming from?  Also important to find out why a particular page or post is converting?  Is there any emotional trigger which appeals to the readers or there are some coupons, codes or bonuses added which converts that page better than others.

Now we need to replicate this within our other posts and pages.  So one of the easy ways to converse better is to add bonuses or some give away on important pages, so people get easily attracted to these pages.

Adding an emotional trigger converts the page much better.  As we all know every sale occurs because it triggers some emotions in the individual.

From an SEO point of view, it’s beneficial to internally link posts to these highly converting pages or posts.  Every new article should be interlinked by using anchor links using proper related keywords.  Thus, we are sending more traffic to these highly converting pages, which further improve the rankings in the search engines.

One of the best effective ways to scale conversion is to start an ad campaign run through Facebook ads or through Bing.  The page is already driving traffic and so well converting also.  Now using the same keywords we can run a campaign through Facebook or Bing ads.  Both these formats are quite cost-effective and therefore are in high demand.

Leveraging Your Goals & Events

In the last article Simple Tips on How To Track Conversions in Google Analytics we already learned how to track conversions in Google Analytics.

With the help of these goals and events, we can further find out which are the best-converting pages for any business.

We can track whether our created goals are converting or not in Google Analytics.  After creating goals, after two or three days, Google can track any activity on these goals.

You can check your goals by going through Conversion>Goals.  You can track how these goals are converted through “Reverse Goal Path”.

Through Reverse Goal Path, one can easily track from where and when people are arriving on these pages which we are already tracked through setting goals on these pages.

google analytics

How Exactly to Scale Your Conversion?

The best way is to drive traffic to this successful converting page or post and the best is through creating a social media campaign to that page or post.

Suppose you want to drive traffic to an already converting page, you should create a Facebook post and publish it on your FB wall.  Similarly, you can create Instagram,  Pinterest post, Tweet about it and make people aware of this post.

Repeating this post on alternate days is also a good technique, as people have a very short memory span they do not remember when you last posted.

You can use any post planner like PromoRepublic or Postify.  There are many Post Planner available in the market and you can choose any one of them.

I personally like the Promo Republic and Postify.  Both have start free trial if you are not sure which to choose.  It has a unique section where they have provided thousands of content ideas with templates.  So there is no need to create your own post.  You can directly use any of the readymade posts.

The best part about these post planner is that it saves a ton of time, otherwise you need to post it individually.

You can save posts or schedule posts for a week ahead of time, and thus save lot of time.

Other than this Facebook offers a unique opportunity through which you can advertise your posts and give them a push.  The Facebook post is one of the best ways to promote your blog post on a very limited budget.  But Facebook does not approve pages and promotions related to niche make money from home and so on.

You can take advantage of these Facebook Boosts, Facebook offers you related data about the post so it becomes easy to decide which post is popular on Facebook and got more conversions.


Conversion is one of the most important part of any marketing campaign but to scale this conversion is another ball altogether.  There are many ways with which you can track your conversions and scale them for better conversion.

Google Analytics is the best tool to map your conversions, goals, and events.  Once you get an idea about your conversions, you can scale it in different ways.

Internal Linking is the easiest way to start with, try to internal link every post you create with this most popular page so that it continues to get traffic and rank higher in the search engines.

Creating a Campaign through Facebook boost is another great way to scale conversions. Using post planners helps you to stay active on different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and so on.  It not only saves a lot of time, but it also brings a good amount of traffic to your site.  To stay consistent is one of the keys to be successful in any arena of life, so it is with social media.  To post individually on each social media is not only cumbersome but also time-consuming.  Post planner helps you to stay active and save a load of time.

I hope you find this post helpful to scale conversions on your site.  If you have any questions or suggestions pl drop them in the comments section below.  Also if you have some tips on scaling conversions pl share with all of us:)

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