How to Start An Online Business and Make Money

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The Internet has grown exponentially in the last few years and the opportunities to make money online also increased vastly.

According to Statista, “In 2021, over 2.14 billion people worldwide are expected to buy goods and services online, up from 1.66 billion global digital buyers in 2016”.

Buying online has become a very common activity for most people, for various reasons, and this trend has given a whole new online opportunity to make money online.

You can also start your Online Business and Make money.  You can also take this opportunity to establish yourself as an entrepreneur and create your own brand online.

How to Start An Online Business and Make Money

Starting an online business is quite easy and safe as against most of the people’s beliefs.  There are many ways through which you can start your online business, but the most popular is blogging.  Blogging is a very legitimate online business, which can be very lucrative if your work on it consistently.

Each person has some or the other passion or hobby.  Think about it, what is your hobby or passion, you can turn that hobby into an online business.

As I was very passionate about Reiki and yoga, I turn this hobby into my business creating a website choosing Reiki as a niche.

You can do the same, turn your passion into your business.  I know you must have some basic questions about starting an online business.

No Technical Knowledge

If this is your issue, then not to worry.  If I can build websites, literally anyone can build a website, as I do not have any technical background and no computer knowledge.  Still, from the last three years, I am running my online business successfully,

No Resources

When I started working online I had no resources to start my business, hake even ai was not aware of what business resources you need.  But fortunately I am working with an online platform that has all the resources in one place and most of them are totally free.

No Proper Guidance

You need proper step by step guidance while starting an online business if you are totally new.  With proper training and guidance, you can easily set up your online business.

Fear about Online Transactions

Many people still hesitate to transact online because of fraud happening every day.  Though it is true, today’s online transaction is very safe and most of the websites have https, a security layer, which not easily crack.

Google has made it compulsory for the websites to have a security padlock, which makes it very safe to transact online.

Language Problem

For most of us, English is not our first language, for many of us, it is a second or third language.  But it should not be an issue.  What is important is to convey your message to your potential customers in a very simple language, you do not need to be very scholastic in your conversation.

How does it work?

Blogging and affiliate marketing go hand in hand and gives a much better result.  So the basic concept is very simple:

  • Choose an interest
  • Build a Website
  • Attract Traffic
  • promote a product to make money

Suppose your hobby is cooking, you create a website about cooking.  Now you need to inform your readers about different recipes and all related valuable information.  When you do it consistently within months, you can rank in Google and get traffic.

Now with a lucrative niche like cooking, you can drive traffic through your website as well as through Youtube videos.  You can literally make a daily YT video and share it.  You can pull traffic from both the platforms.

Once you get traffic to your site, you can make money by providing them useful information and thousands of products related to cooking.  You can monetize your website and Youtube channel.  D you think creating a website is a very difficult task?  No, today you can make your website as short as in 30 seconds.

I want to introduce you to my blogging platform wealthy affiliate, where all the resources are available to build my business.

From websites, hosting, keyword research, SEO and content marketing all is included in your premium membership.

Once you are enrolled for free, you start your step by step training.  WA training is very easy to follow and you build your own website by the fourth lesson.

Time Management

When you start your online business, time management is very crucial form every single person.  But especially if you are a mompreneur, it’s very crucial to manage your time properly.

But with little practice, you can easily do it.


As I said earlier, Google almost takes 3 months to rank new sites, so it is important to remember that you need to work consistently on your websites, by posting at least thrice a week,  more the better.  It is very important to have a strong mindset while working online.  Get rich schemes which you often find on the internet, does not exist.

You need to work consistently and work hard to achieve your goals.  once you attain enough traffic, making sells is relatively easy.

Money Problem

If you are on a budget, it is always better to opt-in for a yearly subscription, as it saves you huge money.  If you have a strong desire to have your online business, you need to cut down your expenses to build your future.

Wealthy Affiliate has many subscriptions to choose from, select one which is suitable for you.  I personally choose yearly subscription, but the best time to join WA is during Black Friday Sale.

Read More: Best Buy Black Friday Offer Which You Must Not Miss!

Once your business is established and you earn consistently, the major problem can of time management.  As the responsibility of growing a business, you need to manage your time properly.  Of course, once your business is settled, you can hire professional people to help you in your business.  there are many famous platforms like Upwork, which can help you with.


Setting an online business is really easy nowadays.  With a well-established platform, tits become easier to start your online journey.

It is important to choose a platform which will help you to grow your business and you at the same time,

I hope this post helps you to clear some notions about building an online business.  If you have any further question let me know in the comments below.

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