What is the best place to Start a Blog?
Starting our own blog could be a dream come true for all of us, and so you might be thinking of What is the best place to start a blog?
There could be thousands of reasons that you want to create your own blog. You may want to start a blog just as a hobby, you may have a passion for writing, maybe to engage in media like blogging and understand it more or want to set up an e-commerce site.
Whatever may be the reason, it’s important to know what you need to look for when you are just starting out.
1.Platform Easy to set up your website
The first and foremost important thing to consider when setting up your blog is easy to work platform, to set up your website.
2. Do not require any coding skill
As a starter, you may not have any coding skill like HTML or CSS. So look out for a platform which does not require any coding skill.
3. The blogging platform that is flexible, room to grow, look of your site
Though you may be starting out as a complete beginner to start a blog you need to think of your blogging as a business and down the line, you may want to expand it, and add many advanced features to your site.
There are many blogging platforms which are very restricted, and costs you a lot of time, energy and money, if in future you need to include some advanced features to your site like adding forums, online stores, membership options within your site.
4.option to monetize your blog
As your blog grows, there are many opportunities to monetize your blog and earn money from it. So choose a platform which will allow you to monetize your blog/ website.
There are many blogging platforms available, and it is very obvious to get confused about what is the best place to start a blog.
I have reviewed many platforms and every one has its own pros and cons, which is quite obvious.
But one platform that I am using from last two years, and have all the tools that are needed to start your own blog, is Wealthy Affiliate and a sure place for BUOR – Business Under One Roof.
1.Free to Start
If you are interested in starting your own blog, but just not sure whether it’s a right option for you, or do not want to invest in yet, Wealthy Affiliate has a Starter Membership where you can enroll for $0.
Yes, you can start building your own blog for free, so it’s the best option for beginners to start. create your account with Wealthy Affiliate, and you are ready to go.
You get two free websites, free training, with your starter account. You also get :
- Live Help, one to one coaching for first 7 days
- Beginner Training course of 10 lessons, by 4th lesson you will have your own niche website up and running
- Affiliate Bootcamp Training Phase 1 out of 7
- Access two Training classrooms out of 12
- Free 30 keyword searches of Jaaxy – a powerful keyword Tool
All these are free resources, so you can learn the basics of online business.
2. Do not require any coding skill
Wealthy Affiliate uses WordPress to build all its websites, so do not worry about if you do not have any coding skill. The array of built-in features and customization options that come with most plugins and themes nowadays enable you to create some pretty awesome stuff.
3. Easy to expand as you grow
WordPress is the most popular platform for building different kinds of websites, not limited to personal blogs. You can expand your blog into a forum, e-commerce site, podcast or as an online community as your business grows.
Different types of Web sites you can create with WordPress
4. Easy to monetize
Wealthy Affiliate teaches you everything about Affiliate Marketing, and by the time you finish your training mentioned above, you are ready to monetize your blog.
There are thousands of affiliate programs which you can monetize your blog with. Some More Ways to Monetize Your WordPress Blog
3.No watermark on your free website
Most of the other platforms like Wix, Weebly, and many others, offer you a free website. But with a drawback of always showing their trademark on your website.
You must have seen some sites showing the “This Site is made on Weebly”, on every single post of your blog. Even if you are creating your blog or website under Starter Membership which is totally free, no watermark is shown on your blog. It is only visible in your blog’s URL

This is the URL of one of my free website, a demo site which I generally use for testing different plugins,
4.world class free hosting by 24×7
Good hosting for your website is crucial to run a successful business online. Why is good hosting so important?
Website ranking: The loading speed of your website is an important factor to rank your websites in search engines.
Google has indicated site speed is one of the signals used by its algorithm to rank pages.
Page speed is also important to user experience. Pages with a longer load time tend to have higher bounce rates and lower average time on page.
With Wealthy Affiliate you can rest assured your WordPress site will always be hosted on the latest and most powerful servers in the world through Amazon hosting, with average page load time is 1.3 seconds!
WA double host your site;
Your websites have full redundancy, meaning that if one of your websites were to for some reason to go down, WA has a “mirror” of your website running at all times that will swap in, instantly.
Everyday Site Backups
With the Managed WordPress Hosting experience at Wealthy Affiliate, you have peace of mind knowing that WA takes daily snapshots of your website. If you ever mess things up, WA can help get your website back and running for you.
Secure Hosting
WA are able to prevent hacking or spam before it happens. We have several layers of security that shield your websites and keep them secure so you can sleep easy. 27,195,900
Hacking Attempts Blocked in Past Year.
5.Free Training
As I mentioned earlier, WA provides free training when you open your free account here.
- Beginner Training Course: A 10 lesson Course, for the beginners to set up your website and running an online business. By the 4the lesson in this training, your own website is up and running.
- Affiliate Bootcamp Training: phase 1 out of 12, This training is especially for make money online niche.
WA gives you the option to create your own niche (follow your passion and hobby, and create your online business) or if you are not able to decide which way to go Affiliate Bootcamp Training teaches you how to make money online.
You have two free websites, so you can make two different niche related websites down the line, but as a beginner, better you focus on any one niche.
6.Keyword Research
Keyword Research should be the foundation of your website. Keyword Research helps you to find out the keywords that people are searching for on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and so on.
Unless you understand what people are searching and interested in, it will be really difficult to get ranked.
You may write the best article on the net, but if there is no one to read your article, all your efforts will be futile.
Free Keyword Tool – Jaaxy
WA provides Free Keyword Tool to all of its members. As a Free member, you have access to Jaaxy up to 30 keyword searches.
Jaaxy is one of the most powerful tools available for Keyword Research, but it is not limited to keyword research only. You can do many advanced kinds of research like finding top-level domains [TLD] like .com, .org,.net etc, in a click
How to use Jaaxy like a pro Read more on Jaaxy
7. Affiliate Program
Don’t forget to take advantage of WA’s affiliate programme. In your initial days only, you will realize the importance of WA platform and its training.
If you found any value in WA platform and the business opportunity it provides, you can spread a word about it and earn while you learn.
That can be a nice additional income for you.
I know how confusing it can be to choose the best place to start a blog when you are a total newbie.
There are a number of platforms available where you can start your online journey, but still, I have to come across a platform which will make it so simple to build your online business under one roof.
All the tools that you need to start your own blog like WordPress, hosting, keyword research tool, basic training are all free to you with your starter membership.
Starter Membership of Wealthy Affiliate is best for you, as it gives you two websites free, to dig down about your niche, passion or hobby, once you are sure you can always upgrade your account to premium, which I highly recommend if you want to build your own brand and business online.
But if you are not ready, you can keep your starter membership for a life, no obligation to upgrade to premium.
Once you create your free account, would you like to know how is the WA interface and how easy it is to create your blog?
Watch Create a Website in Under 30 Seconds a walkthrough by Kyle, Co-Owner of the Wealthy Affiliate.
Do you want any more information about Starter Membership of WEalthy Affiliate, pl let me know in comments below and I will be more than happy to guide you in a right direction.
Embed this infographic on your site. Simply copy the code below and paste it on your page or post.
Thank for sharing this information! As a new Wealthy Affiliate member, yes I totally agree with all that you have said, the best part is not needing coding – and the affiliate marketing training. It’s very exciting. I have created my website in a month while working, and now I’m at the stage of monetizing it (ready to make sales from my products). I will come back and visit your site – thank you for your expertise in this subject!
Hey Shelly,
When I joined Wealthy Affiliate, I had no knowledge about blogging and online trends. Of course did not have the required technical knowledge also.
But that is the best part of Wealthy Affiliate Training, it does not require any coding knowledge at all. Great to hear that you have created your website and at a stage of monetization.
Here is a great live training on
The Money Funnel, Best Ways to Monetize (and Scaling)
Thank you Shubhaangi, for explaining so clearly about how to go about starting a blog and the information of the best place to start one.
As a very happy member of Wealthy Affiliate, I fully agree with you. I am often asked, “What is a Blog?” or “How do you write a blog?” and most of all “Can you make any money blogging?”.
I have bookmarked this article as I want to show it to people who are skeptics about blogging. We all blog for different reasons but mostly, for me, it is being able to learn new skills, which I have done with Wealthy Affiliate.
Hey Jill.
Thanks for bookmarking my blog, and majority of the WA members are very satisfied with this platform, you must be knowing the WA members, who are part of this community more than 10 years or so!
I would recommend you to have a look at this fantastic live weabinar on
Anatomy of the Blog Post Creation