Social Media Strategies for Small Business

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Starting your own business involves many steps and you need to pre-plan everything beforehand before you jump into it.  At least you should be aware of all the things that you should be doing for running a successful business.  In my last post Building A Business In 2022 & Beyond . I have discussed how to start your own successful business and the tools that you will need. In this article, we will be focusing on Social Media Strategies for Small businesses that you should follow.

An Overview of Social Media Strategies

If you have your own business, you need to have your social media set up.  By social media I mean any or all social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, TikTok, etc.

You need to create your social media presence on the above platforms if that is relevant to your niche.  There are many benefits of creating your social media profiles, a few of them are:

  1. Creating your own brand
  2. Establishing you and your business
  3. Build a group of followers
  4. Engage with people
  5. Establish yourself as an authority

So the point is, that it is a valuable asset to have even if it’s just a Pinterest account with a few boards and some pins and started to start to follow those.

Not only do these social media platforms provide an additional source of traffic, but also it’s going to increase the valuation of the business.

Building your social media profiles is all about building an online presence, building a following.

To achieve these goals, you need to create a social media strategy.  But do you need to create an account on social media platforms?

Which Social Profiles to Focus On?

As I mentioned above, there are hundreds of social media platforms there, so it would be very daunting and time-consuming to be active on social media profiles.

So then the next obvious question would be which social profiles to focus on?  It is important to research where your readers or audience hang out.  If your audience is on Facebook it’s important to create a strong following on Facebook.  If your audience is on Pinterest, build a profile there.

You can research and build 4 or 5 social media profiles that are most relevant to your niche or business.  If your niche is visual like travel, photography, then visual platforms like Pinterest and YouTube should be your obvious focal point.

There is no harm in creating social media profiles on all possible platforms but it makes more sense, to focus on a few of them. Maybe post once a week or twice a week and go from there.

Automating Your Social Media

Not only do you need to create social media profiles, but it is also important to be active on your social media and interact with your audience.

You can take the help of automated tools which will help you to schedule your social media posts.  PromoRepublic, Hootsuite, or even Canva have many tools to help your content schedule.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest has their own scheduling system so you can easily schedule your posts for these platforms.

 Social Media Predictions for 2023

While creating social media content for these platforms you need to be relevant, relevant to your audience, your niche, and the platform that you are posting on.

Jay, in his latest seminar, predicted the latest trends for the coming year, and this can be really helpful.


For Pinterest, Jay recommended creating more tutorial-based information and Pinterest is pushing video format nowadays.  So try to create content around video format if that suits you.

Recommended Read:

Why You Must Have A Pinterest Account?

Why Some People Almost Always Make Money With PINTEREST

The 3 Best Pinterest Courses For Bloggers – Completely Free

Repurpose Content For Pinterest


Twitter has some new updates like thread-based content.  What a thread is, is where you create one tweet, and then you create a second tweet nested underneath that first tweet.

So be like one of two or one of five. So if it said one of five, you know, there’s going to be five tweets about the same topic. Again, kind of tutorial-centric or story-driven-centric.


YouTube, in 2023 is going to be very YouTube short, driven, meaning they’re going to be focusing more on mobile for users like you and me.

TikTok & Instagram may not come up with new changes. Even Linkedin will continue with its same policy with no new changes.

Facebook Group:

Facebook group can be a good option if you want to create a community of followers around your niche or product. People often like to get exclusive content and FB group can be a great way where you offer exclusive offers for followers.

It’s also a great way to interact and communicate with your followers in a more personalized way.  People feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their thoughts in closed groups.  FB groups have their own rules and thus become a safe place to be a part of.


Social media like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube has become an inevitable part of our life and so of our business life.

One can not expect to grow business and create a brand nowadays without social media platforms.  You will find that even big business houses have their presence on all major social media platforms.

So if you are starting out and want to build your own business and brand, you should focus on building your own social media strategy for the coming years.

To build your own brand, first, you need to take into consideration your audience and where it hangout.  It’s always a good strategy to focus on those social media platforms instead of creating multiple social media profiles and trying to be present on each one of them.  It can be very tiring and time-consuming.

Once you find the right social media platforms for your niche, you can automate your social media schedule with help of automation tools like Canva.  In Canva, not only you can create social media posts for every platform but can even schedule them within Canva.

Check out Canva Here.

So I hope this article has given you some new ideas to schedule your Social Media Strategies for the coming year.  If so pl share it with your friends and if you have any questions or suggestions let me know in the comments.

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